Chapter 14 Descent into Darkness

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"He's breathing Nan, he's just passed out," Annie reassured her.

‭"Are you sure‭? ‬Do we need to do CPR‭?" Nan replied.

"No, Hon," ‬Hank answered gently, "He's in shock; we need to get him lower," he said as he lifted the young stranger enough for Nan to scoot down so just his head lay on her lap.‭ "I was worried, he'd do this. Only God knows how long he's been running on nothing but pure adrenaline. Even if his mind don't know it, his body's recognized that he's safe. Without the adrenaline rush, shock kicked in. Somebody grab another chair; we can stick his feet on it," Hank ordered as he held Thete's feet. "Lord, this is one skinny white boy," Hank muttered as Vince placed the chair. He ignored the chuckle that came from the young soldier.

Nan had always prided herself on her ability to take control in a crisis, but that ability didn't stop the momentary panic when Thete collapsed against her chest. Even after everyone's reassurances, part of her still worried the boy in her lap lay dying. Pale, clammy; his breath now came in shallow gasps. Her husband had breathed like that night before he passed. That memory burned bright now, but not even he died in her arms. In fact, no one had ever died in his arms. This boy would not be the first, not tonight ... not ever. She gave herself sixty seconds of panic, and then anger took over.

"You're freaking unbelievable!"‬ She snapped at Hank. As for as she was concerned, there was no reason for someone to call a half-starved boy, skinny. Not even if, the someone was her best friend. It just wasn't funny. "What kind of monsters do we have in this county‭?" she ranted at her friends. "When did we get this bad?" She glanced up at the grim faces of the people surrounding her not actually expecting an answer.

"Nan, getting upset won't help," Hank advised her with a gentle smile.

"Somebody should be upset. Where are the damn cops? My God, if he looks like this, what the hell do you think that girl must look like. If that did this this to him, you know they did worse to her," she said. She stopped when, for a second his chest failed to rise, renewing her panic. ‭She reflexively drew a protective arm around him, held her own breath and willed him to breathe. When she saw the gentle rise of his chest with the next shallow breath, she kissed his head. "Shush, baby, I've got you," she said in response to his whimper. "You just hang on for us; ‬do you hear me? ‬You're safe now." Shivering again, his head lolled across her chest, smearing a brownish red ‬stain across her Nan's Café T-shirt. She pushed the anger aside as she pulled the covers up to his chin.

"My coat's insulated," one of the customers said, passing the garment over. Hank added it, but hope that coats, ‭ ‬blankets‭ ‬and body heat would warm him faded as he continued to tremble.‭ ‬ ‬

"Thanks, Bob. Hank, he's not just skinny, he's half starved! ‬I can feel his ribs," she said, rubbing a gentle hand across his chest before brushing a lock of wet, dirty hair from his eyes. His fragile appearance reminded her of the delicate piece of porcelain sitting on her piano at home. "No wonder he threw up when he smelled food. This is unreal. Somebody call 911 again."

‬A loud clap of thunder brought a jerk and a louder whimper. He wiggled in her arms, bringing a round of 'thank gods' from relieved customers. She watched Bev pull her cell phone out for the call. "He's coming around, but y'all need to get us some help," the woman snapped at the 911 operator.‬

Annie knelt next to Nan and fumbled with his wrist until she found a pulse‬ and flashed Nan a reassuring smile. "I think it's getting stronger," she said.

Nan's mouth tugged upward in a nervous smile. "That first aide course was worth it, huh?" she said.

Annie blushed and reached for her diaper bag. "Best part of high school," she said. "How's it look? I don't think he can afford to lose much blood," ‬Nan asked as Annie peeled the blood soaked diaper away from his foot and quickly applied the fresh diaper.

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