Chapter 34 The Hunt

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When River and Jack walked out of the Justice Centre,  smug smiles of accomplishment were written on both their faces, along with feeling as if they finally had some level of control back in their hands. Neither spoke as they made the trip back the barely lit narrow alley where the TARDIS stood in the shadows. River stole a look at Jack's ice blue eyes as she slid her key into the TARDIS' lock.  It was all she needed to see that his rage, while not gone, was certainly tempered. For the first time in days, an actual smile made it all the way to his eyes. Her own broadened.

"NaV0‭ ‬looked damn good in chains, didn't she?" River asked as they walked through the door.41

"Yeah, the woman has signed her own death warrant. I haven't had that much pleasure since .... Well, since the last time Ianto and I played hide and seek with the stopwatch," Jack replied with a smirk.

"I told you, my magic elixir is wonderful stuff," River laughed. "And in the end, she told everything that she knew just to sniff the small bottle.‭" River crossed the gangplank to the console with a small sense of satisfaction.

She strode around the console, unaware that Jack hadn't followed her. She trailed her fingers on the edge until she reached the Helmic orienteers and the dematerialising lever. For just a moment, her hand hovered before she put the ship into the vortex.‭ ‬

"Talk to me, River." Jack stood in the center of the control room; his smile was gone.

"What?" Her head came up, and she met his gaze. For a moment, her expression clouded, but then her usual cryptic smile returned. She looked at Jack standing there with his legs apart and his arms crossed, looking -- authoritative. She couldn't help the snort.

"Tell me what she said before I walked back in the room. What exactly did you leave out? I want to know what else is going on." Jack insisted.

Coming from behind the rotor, River's smile faded as she faced him. So much for the momentary joy. For a moment, she traced the edge of the zig-zag plotter, gathering her thoughts, before she answered. "You know how to take the fun out of success don't you?"

"Only when I am on the short end of knowing what's going on. I don't like surprises. If we're doing this together, I want to know what else to expect."

"How much have you been off-world in the last two or three years, Jack?"

Caught off-guard by the question, Jack walked across the control room to where River stood. "I haven't been off-world since -- well, I guess not since...." His voice trailed as the memories of the past few years flashed. "We've been busy. What's that got to do with anything?"

River nodded and let out a mirthless chuckle. "In the last ten years, I'd have to say, I hardly ever visit Earth. He and I keep meeting all back to front on one adventure or another that suddenly started taking me back to the 21st century, Great Britain. " River knew she was rambling a bit and hoped Jack would understand. "Whenever I get into trouble or need him, I just send a message, and he always comes. Two years ago, for me, a rumour started circulating that a religious group who called themselves the Silents had affiliated with a rogue branch of the Anglican Church's military wing. They ...." River stopped. "I need tea to wash out the taste of H'Tarle's booze."

Confused, Jack was three steps behind.

Jack leaned against the galley's counter as River fixed the tea, waiting for an answer. When she finally handed him a cup she drew a breath and started again.

"The rumour was simple; the silence will fall meaning, I guess, the universe will come to an end. The religious order somehow thinks if they destroy the Doctor, this so-called prophecy will go away.

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