Chapter 39 First One Step Then Another

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Thete stood at his hospital room door staring down the long hallway. They wanted him to leave his sanctuary. In fact, they were all insisting that he actually cross the threshold. The very thought made his hearts race in trepidation. He wondered if he had always been a coward. A small group of people waited for him at the other end. "Come On, Thete," Rory called to encourage him on. "Catch us up."

Thete pulled a face at the comment. From his prospective, the hallway seemed to go on forever. He glanced up at Sam who smiled. "You can do this, Mr Smith," he said sounding so ridiculously professional that Thete resented it. Some how the man's smile didn't seem all that reassuring.

"So, I have to go down and back, right? I mean,  you do know, I almost died, right?"

Sam laughed, "We're past that now, Mr Smith."

"What about the whole coma thing after that. Is that good for --" Thete whinged.

"Down and back would be good," Sam interrupted, "but I'll take the down for this trip. Think of it as an adventure," The therapist chuckled. "Your friends all tell me that you are in to adventuring."

Thete glared first at the man, and then back down the hall as he swallowed. He wondered how a little hospital could have such long corridors.‭ ‬ He cast lay in an armrest as his good hand clutched the crossbar of the walker for all its worth. With one last glance back to his comfort zone, he took his first step back into the world. Sam kept a firm grip on the belt around Thete's waist. He listened to his cheering section encourage each agonisingly slow step.‭ ‬ By the time he reached the end of the hall,‭ ‬his leg muscles quivered with exhaustion while sweat dampened his hospital gown. ‬ How was it possible to be so weak‭?

Rory slid a wheelchair around to let him sit down, but it was more of a collapse. ‬They all grinned at him.‭ "Not bad,‭ that was twenty-five feet.‭ ‬ Considering you barely made it to bathroom yesterday,‭ ‬this is‭ ‬-‭-‭ ‬amazingly‭ ‬-‭ -‭ ‬good.‭” ‬

Thete flinched when Rory's touched his shoulder. He winced at the brief look of disappointment that flickered on Rory's face, but he couldn't help it. He really did try to control the reaction when people touched him. When he looked up again, the look was gone, replaced with a warm smile. ‬ ‭“Right, I may have Swiss cheese for a brain, but even I know that’s bollocks,” Thete answered testily, but he did appreciate Rory's look of support. At least the look of pity was gone.

“Don’t worry, Mr Smith,‭ ‬by Thanksgiving you’ll be ready for a marathon.‭ ‬ I leave you to your friends, and I will see you at‭ ‬two.‭” ‬ Thete just glared at the man. "Bloody torturer." he mumbled to the man's departing back.

‭“You know,” Amy stepped around holding tea, “if you’d eat, your strength would be much better."

‭“I’m not hungry,” he answered flatly. “What else do I have to do? Where’s Hank and everybody?”

“They’re at the café.‭ ‬Remember: Nan told you that they re-opened today.‭” ‬ River answered as she ruffled his hair, “‬You are stuck with us.‭ ‬ The mean old troublemakers who are going to kick your skinny arse out the door.‭”

“I’m afraid that you are also stuck with me,” ‬Madam G’Na laughed.‭ “‬On to your next session.‭”

Thete pulled a face.‭ “‬What is it‭?”

“Cooking.‭” ‬Amy answered brightly.‭ “‬You can even fry stuff, you know, all Scottish.‭” ‬She pushed his chair past his room toward doors at the opposite end of the hall.

‭“Why are we going in there?”

“Because,‭” ‬Amy pushed the chair closer,‭ “‬that’s where the rehab kitchen is.‭ ‬They are being kind,‭ ‬and letting us borrow it. Besides, ‬you need to get out, and about.‭ ‬You’ve been in that room long enough.‭ ‬ It’s not in your nature to be such a stick in the mud.‭ ‬ There’s also someone in there you need to meet.‭”

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