Can You Promise Me? | Levi x Reader

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After the humans lost to the titans 1000 years ago, they decided to write a peace treaty with the human creator of the titans and announce defeat. As a punishment the humans had to live their lives according to a title that was given to them on their 18 birthday. Well it is a nice experience if you get to be the protagonist but other than that, it usually ends up badly. Whatever your role is, you cannot change it and you keep on living your life as if it were a novel.

I can still recall that time when I was four. Such a young kid who had its head above the clouds and didn't mind anything. My mother was a friend of your mother, Kuchel, and they got us to become friends. You were merely six, so innocent back then as well.

Come to think of it, you never really showed your emotions to me. I didn't know whether you were sad, happy or mad.

I'll always keep the memory of you breaking down in front of me for the first time. It was back then when the one person you treasured the most, you own mother, the one that brought you to life, died. On that day I learned what "passing away" meant. I was only seven back then.

But time sure flies and soon enough the grief was gone. I thought that you turned quite mature after that event. My grandma would always tell me that tragedies make us grow older mentally and that seemed to be the case with you.

I am embarrassed to admit that but I used to have a little, teeny tiny crush on you when I was ten. Maybe because we were so close? Or perhaps because you knew me better than my own parents did?

I was reminded of the cruelty of this world and knowing that my luck wasn't the best I tried to keep my feelings in check. I would never know what my role in that story of mine would be before I became an adult. What if I was the villain? I would only end up hurting the both of us.

But sometimes you can't tone those feelings down. The heart wants what it wants after all. You were becoming such a smart young man and you were quite handsome as well, if I'm being quite honest. I still remember that time when I grew taller than you and I would constantly bug you about it.

One thing I loved and still love about you is how you could be considerate and, if I dare say so, a little sweet sometimes. What I liked even more about this thing of yours was that I was the only one who would get to see it.

You are a cleanfreak and a huge grump but honestly that makes you all the more likable and easy to tease. Hanji, Farlan and Isabell would help me in that task as well.

As the years passed I realised that my feelings didn't disappear at all. In fact they grew even more. I felt like I was drowning, like I could already feel the water filling my lungs as I was falling deeper to the point where breaking to the surface would no longer be an option.

I knew that those feelings wouldn't go away. I was too young to say that I loved you but I can't describe it otherwise. I knew that my affections wouldn't be returned, because eventhough you were my friend, you were still a cold man who hadn't liked anyone romantically yet.

Out of the blue that little boy I knew, that little boy you used to be, turned into an adult. I was still 16 but you were 18. And that meant one thing: You would get your story role. The thing that would follow you for the rest of your life and that word that would define your fate.

You thought that this whole idea was stupid and I couldn't agree more. You had such an awful past, you had been so traumatised and I wouldn't be able to bear it if you took the role of someone who would be bound to have it rough until the end of their pitiful existence.

That's why I was crying tears of happiness when you told me that you would be the protagonist. Finally you would get to live better, you would be the center of importance for once and I couldn't be more proud.

Birthday | Levi OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now