1 | Levi x Reader

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We decided this was the best oneshot we received for this theme.

Levi x Reader Birthday

"So, are you and (Y/N) doing anything special for your birthday? I mean, you only turn the big 3 - 5 once," Erwin smiled, sliding me a drink.

It had been a long, exhausting week at the office, but we had finally closed for the holidays. I hated how my birthday fell on Christmas; no one ever forgot when it was. I had never been one to celebrate my birthday, finding it no different from any other day of my life. It just meant changing the number I wrote down when I had to disclose my age. However, this time, I was oddly disappointed that (Y/N), my partner and the love of my life, had seemingly overlooked it.

The year prior, she almost forgot to finish her Christmas shopping due to the fact she had spent all her time either with me or planning my Birthday Party. The party was a cute gesture since she worked hard getting all of our close friends and family there, right before Christmas. It really was nice to see old friends that had either moved away or started a family. However, this year was different. I hadn't seen (Y/N) in days, and most of my calls were answered with a "Sorry, I'm busy" text, almost like she was avoiding me.

"No. Unless you know something I don't."

"What, like a Surprise Party? Not unless she spaced inviting me...Uh... Levi? Are you okay?"

Erwin was my best and closest friend. I knew him even before meeting (Y/N), so he could read me like a book. There wasn't much to my facial spectrum, so not many people could decipher between each microexpression. Erwin, on the other hand, recognized every single one.

Swirling my drink slowly in my hand, I let out a sigh of defeat. "I dunno, Eyebrows. (Y/N) just seems... distant lately," I muttered, keeping my head low.

Erwin suddenly started coughing and choking on his liquor, beating a fist against his chest in an attempt to clear his airway.

"What!? What do you mean distant!? Did you two have a fight or something?"

"Ugh, geez no..."

"Did you say something stupid?"



Leaning back in my chair, I growled deep within my throat.

"Erwin, I didn't fucking do anything."

"Okay, well... finish your drink and get out of here then. Maybe she's at home waiting for you," Erwin smiled, obviously trying to cheer me up.

(Y/N) and I had moved in with each other a few months ago, after being together for more than a year. I had been coming home late from the office, trying to finish everything up for year-end, and sometimes just fell asleep in the den while reading. (Y/N) always left the house earlier than me, so the past few days had even been void of her Good Morning kiss, which was the absolute best way to start any day. No wonder I had felt like shit...

Downing my drink, I reached into my coat to remove my wallet, but Erwin just slapped his hand onto my shoulder.

"I've got the tab. Go home and be with (Y/N)."

With a nod, I stood from my chair and thanked Erwin for his generosity. I draped my scarf around my neck and buttoned up my long wool coat. It was fucking freezing outside and without a hint of snow on the ground. Of course... That was the only time I enjoyed the winter; when the snow fell from the sky and covered the ground in a soft white blanket, like the world was starting fresh with a clean slate. I flagged down my ride and hopped in the back. I always made sure to book the silent drivers. No need for annoying chitchat.

Birthday | Levi OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now