3 | Levi

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And this one was 3rd!

Levi's Birthday one-shot

Every year without fail Isabelle and Farlan insist on celebrating Levi's Birthday and every year without fail he complains and grumbles the whole day.

On this particular Christmas morning Levi woke up feeling a bit off. For the past week Isabelle and Farlan never spoke a word about his birthday. In fact, Levi was inclined to believe they had forgotten all together.

"Tch, it doesn't matter anyways." Levi grumbled while getting dressed, but he couldn't help the small pang in his heart at the thought of his two best friends forgetting his birthday.

Once he was finished dressing he walked out of his room expecting to immediately be bombarded by Isabelle, as Farlan was always gone Christmas morning to visit his family but he always returned by lunchtime.

Farlan was from a small middle class family, him and Levi met in their first year of high school. What started out as merely partners in lab led to a friendship going strong even in college.

Isabelle on the other hand was an orphan, she showed up in Levi and Farlans second year of high school, she herself was a first year. She always had a tendency to pick fights with everyone which led to lots of bullies, that is until Levi saw it happen and no one messed with her after that. Since then Isabelle became close with both Levi and Farlan, even calling Levi, "Levi-nii." (something Levi grumbled about but secretly didn't mind.)

When he exited his room he felt a pang of disappointment once he realized that Isabelle wasn't there, she always waited in front of his room to wish him a happy birthday. He sighed before walking to the kitchen, annoyed at his own disappointment.

As he sat at the table he heard foot steps running towards him, as he turned his head Isabelle ran into the room. "Merry Christmas!!!" She shouted while jumping around. Levi felt another pang in his chest, "Maybe they did forget?" he asked himself, but quickly shook that thought off. "I shouldn't care anyways." He sighed, and stared at Isabelle, waiting for her to calm down.

After a minute of just staring at her Isabelle seemed to get uncomfortable. "Or not?" She muttered, grabbing a bowl of sugary cereal before sitting across from him.

"Oi, brat what the hell are you eating this early in the morning? You'll be on a sugar high all day." He complained, Isabelle sulked before finding a different subject.

"Hey are you going to Hanji's Christmas party tonight?" She questioned eagerly.

Levi glared at her before answering. "Why the hell would I do something as stupid and annoying as that?" He questioned irritated.

Hanji is Levi's childhood friend, she spotted him once in daycare and has refused to leave him alone ever since. Every year without fail Hanji would throw a "Christmas party." But in all actually it's a surprise birthday party for him, Levi prides himself on having never went, despite having to hear her grumble about it.

Isabelle laughed nervously, "Oh you know, just thought maybe it'd be different this year." She quickly stood up. "Oh would you look at the time, I've got things to do and places to be! Bye Levi-Nii!" She shouted while rushing out the door.

Levi stared at the door that Isabelle had just ran out, shocked to say the least. He huffed, stood up and walked to the fridge to grab a drink, only to notice a sticky note on it. He grabbed it and read it; "sorry guys I won't be able to make it home until tonight, Merry Christmas! - Farlan."

Levi stared sadly at the note, this was the first time anything like this had ever happened since he'd met them. Deciding not to think about it he instead started cleaning.

*~*~*~*~*~*~*Time Skip~*~*~*~*~*~*

After he was finished cleaning he heard a knock at the door, when he opened it he was surprised to see the pretty smiling face of Petra. Petra was a girl Levi met in college, she was always kind and never seemed to mind Levi's grumpy attitude, and Levi would be lying if he said he didn't enjoy her company.

"Merry Christmas Levi!" Petra cheered happily. "Yeah..Merry Christmas." Levi wished her back, confused as to why she was there.

Seeming to notice his confusion she spoke again. "Ah, you see Isabelle and Farlan said they were going to Hanji's party tonight and I figured you wouldn't want to go so I wanted to ask if you would accompany me to Titan Cafe?" She asked sweetly.

Levi felt another pang at his heart, "Isabelle and Farlan are going to Hanji's party?" He thought to himself sadly, but quickly dismissed the thought. "Why should it bother me anyways?" And at that he addressed Petra again. "Sure, just let me get my coat."

*~*~*~*~*~*~Time Skip*~*~*~*~*~*~

Levi and Petra sat at that cafe for hours, chatting about college, foods, anything they could think of. By the time they left the sun had already set. "I can walk you home?" Levi offered, but Petra shook her head. "I think my keys fell out of my pocket at your house." She said a little sheepishly. So instead they both walked back to his house.

When they arrived Levi noticed that he forgot to turn the porch light on, he sighed. "Sorry, I'll go in and turn the light on so we can look for your keys." He apologized, Petra smiled at him. "Thank you."

As Levi went to unlock the door he noticed it was already unlocked, mentally chiding himself for forgetting to lock it he walked in. When he reached his hand over to turn the light on he was horrified to find another hand already there.

He quickly yanked his hand back and before he could process what was going on the lights flipped on. "SURPRISE!" He heard voices yelling, he spun around and saw his house full of people he knew from high school and college.

Right as he began to realize what was happing he felt two bodies jump on him, hugging him. "Happy Birthday Levi-Nii!" Isabelle shouted, clinging on his left side. "Happy Birthday man." Farlan said calmly, releasing where he was hugging him on his right.

Levi looked around at all the decorations, wondering when they set it up before turning his head to look back at Petra who was smiling sheepishly with a small blush coating her cheeks.

"If you can't bring the Levi to the party, then you bring the party to the Levi." A smug voice said, Levi turned back to head at the source of the voice, only to be greeted by a smug Hanji.

"Tch, you're behind this?" He muttered before looking around at all the people. "You guys all are," Levi stopped, trying to bite back the smile tugging at his lips but failing. "Really annoying." He finished, still smiling. The End.


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2019 ⏰

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Birthday | Levi OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now