Chapter 1

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___Calums POV___


I walked up to her front door and knocked 3 times.

"Hey, it's me, Calum." I said looking at my feet. My hands were in my sweat shirt pockets.

I heard footsteps from behind the door. The door opened and I found myself starring at a crying, but smiling, face.

She held her arms out and I instantly hugged her. "I missed you so much, please don't ever leave my life agin."

**dream ends**

I woke up, breathing heavily. Who was that girl? Why was she crying? Why did I hug her?

All I could think about was her.

I checked my phone, 10:56PM

I tried to go back to sleep... I can't sleep. I just need to know who that girl was.


I ended up going to sleep at 12:45AM. It's now 9:14AM. This girl. This girl is just so... I don't even know. I can't even describe what she looked like. I guess I'll just text Luke.

Cal;Hey Luke

Luke;Hey Cal, what's up?

Cal;I had a dream and this girl, she was crying. But she was happy when she saw my face.

Luke;What did she look like?

Cal;I can't remember.

Luke;Maybe it's one of those déjà vu dreams or whatever.


Luke;If I come over, would you be able to tell me your whole dream?


Luke;Okay, be there soon;D


I hear a knock at the door, it might be Luke.

I open he door and BAM! It's Luke. I was right.

"Hey Cal." He came inside and sat on my sofa, in the living room. "Hey, okay," I sat on the chair which was next to the sofa and continued. "So, it started off with me walking up to 'her' door, I knocked on the door and said 'hey, it's me, Calum' with my head down and my hands in my pockets. My hood was up. When she opened the door, she was crying but smiling. When I hugged her she said something about missing me and to please never leave her life again." I stopped talking but Luke looked at me waiting for me to continue. "That's it. My dream ended there." I said reassuring him that I was done talking. "Oh, okay. Erm. I don't know what to say other than it being a déjà vu dream." He sat up and looked at me with confusion in his eyes. "Forget it," I said "let's just go to Starbucks." He nodded and we went outside to Luke's car and headed to Starbucks.



Herro! What's up? It's almost Halloween :D what are you guys/gals dressing up as? I going to be a Zambie. Anyways. I hope you guys like this book so far. I know this chapter is short but the next one will be better. Byee♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡


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