Chapter 7

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___Cassidy's POV___

One. Direction.
THE One Direction
I'm going to cry.
Ok ok. Just play it cool. Pretend like you've only heard one of their songs and you think they're ok. Even though you you love all of their songs, you own just about everything there is that has to do with them. Shut up! Say hi.
"Hi" my voice cracked. When has that ever happened to me??! Never! Why now!??
"Hello, I'm Anne, you can make yourself at home while I talk to Veronica." She smiled and walked into the kitchen with Veronica.
I awkwardly walked into the living room where Harry, Zayn, Louis, Niall, and Liam are.
"Hello!" Niall said to me.
Ok. Don't cry. Do not cry.
"Hi," I said back, "I-I'm Cassidy." Ugh. I'm stuttering. Why. I feel so stupid right now.
"Why don't you sit down?" Harry patted the couch cushion next to him. "Did you say shit?" Zayn said laughing.
"I said sit! God damnit!" He shouted at Zayn.
They were all laughing. I just awkwardly sat down and starred at my hands. I pulled my sleeves over my wrists and held the end in my palms.
"You have a beautiful name, Cassidy" Liam said.
"Thanks," I said.
"We aren't going to bite you," Louis said, "no need to be shy"
"By chance, do you know who we are?" Harry said.
"Yeah." I quietly said.
"Oh? Are you a fan?" He asked.
"Not really, I've only heard one of your songs. You're ok," I replied.
"What song?" Niall butted in.
"Uhh.. Kiss You I think" I'm getting a little more confident. Yay!
"Oh, Take Me Home." Harry said.
I got a text from Calum.
Cal; hey, did I tell you we have a concert tonight?
Me; no.. You said tomorrow.
Cal; yeah. Well, we're going to be on some show which is only on at midnight. So yeah.
Me; coolio. And guess who my foster mother person is!
Cal; who?
Me; Anne Cox! Harry Styles' mother!!
Cal; are the 1D boys there?
Cal; tell them I say hey.
Me; idk. I already sound stupid. Just skype me in about 2 mins. K?
I turned my phone off and they were all starring at me. "Uhh... sorry... my... uh... friend..." Ugh!!!!! Stupid!!
"Cal? And I thought you only heard one of our songs?" Harry asked.
"Um... yeah, about that. I'm actually a super fan. I tried to play it cool.. It didn't work I'm guessing and you'll find out who cal is in a minute." I replied.
Skype call from: 5SauceFan143
Me;"hey cal!"
I smiled and waved.
Me;" I don't think you know these people but..."
I pointed the camera at the boys and they all waved.
Cal;"hey! Harry, Lou, Niall, Zayn, Liam! Wuzzupp"
Niall took my phone and continued talking to Calum.
I got up, took my phone back and ended the chat.
"What the heck!" Niall shouted.
"Dude, you can't just take my phone. Unless you took selfies." I shouted back.
I opened my camera and started taking selfies with the boys.
"Did we say you could take pictures with us? You aren't famous are you?" Louis said.
"Uhh... No.." I said shyly.
"I'm just kidding" he said.
Veronica came into the living room and motioned me to come into the kitchen.
"Cassidy, you don't mind living here for the next two to three years do you?" Veronica said.
"Yeah I mind. I mean, I'm kind of overwhelmed that you're Harry Styles' mother but I'd rather live with my brother. I actually know him." I exclaimed.
"I know. But you could get to know Anne." She replied.
"I... wait..." I paused for a second. "If you adopt me.. Would Harry be my brother?" I smiled.
Harry came into the kitchen and gave his mom a questioning look like 'wtf'
"Yes. Harry would be your brother. Technically." Anne said.
"Is this peasant my sister?" Harry jokingly said.
"No Harry. This 'peasant' isn't your sister." Anne said.
"I don't think it'd be the best idea for me to adopt Cassidy." Anne said.
"Okay, she'll have to stay here for a few days if that's alright." Veronica took the papers from Anne and started towards the door.
"That's quite alright with me." Anne smiled and opened the door for Veronica.
"Thank you Anne, have a nice day. I'll see you in a couple of days, Cassidy" Veronica left.
"How about I show you where you will be sleeping." Anne had me follow her to upstairs. So many doors. I wonder what's behind all of them.
We walked down this long hallway and finally reached 'my' room.
"Here's your temporary room, Cassidy. The bathroom is right next door, I'm downstairs if you need anything. The kitchen is there if you want anything to snack on. That's really it. Oh! And I'm sure you know the boys, right?" She smiled.
"Yeah, Lou, Harry, Niall, Zayn, and Liam. I know them." I said shyly.
"Ok, well they're in the living room so if you get bored you can go back downstairs and talk to them." She smiled once more and went downstairs.
I walked into my temporary room and ohmigersh. A flat screen tv, huge king size bed, stereo, walk in closet, iMac desktop, Xbox one, play station 5, loads of games, and so much more cool stuff. I can't even...
I took pictures of everything in the room and sent them to Calum.
Me;OMG Calum! Look at my temporary room!! It's got everything!! Are you jelly?💃
Cal;yep. I'm so jelly🚶I'm on mah way🏃
Me; lol. I'm gonna go check out the bathroom now:p
I turned my phone off and went into the bathroom. Oh gosh... A jacuzzi bathtub, a glass door shower, huge mirror above the sink, and omg... The cabinets underneath the sink are filled with bajillions of different hair products and makeup (unused of course). I took a picture of the bathroom and sent it to Calum.
Me; I can't even. This is all too much for me. The bathroom at my house is just a tiny tub and a sink. That's it. And my room was small, it only had my bed, desk and closet. My lacrosse stuff stayed under my bed.
Cal; you play lacrosse?
Me; yeah:p
Cal; so you're the athletic type?
Me; yeah, I used to play soccer from kindergarten to 8th then I took up lacrosse which was from 8th to now.
Cal; cool.
Me; totes🐐 I'm gonna go now. Gonna chill in my room for a bit^.^ buh byeee.🙌💕
Cal; bye bill nye.
I laughed at the text Calum sent me last.
I put my phone in my pocket and went downstairs to get my stuff.
As soon as I got to the stairs I heard my name.
"How is Cassidy friends with Calum? She isn't even famous and she sure as hell isn't to his standards" I couldn't tell if it was Harry or not. He doesn't seem to like me very well.
It hurt me because I look up to them and they aren't saying nice things about me.
I ran into 'my' room and threw myself onto the bed. It's so comfy but I don't wanna worry about that now.
Me;hey cal
Cal;hye bill nye
Me;lol. What's up?
Cal;with the weirdos
Me;coolio. I'm listening to your music:3
Cal;still a fan I see:p
Me;yeah, I just listened to Beside You. Now I'm listening to Voodoo Doll:3
Cal;Luke says Beside You is his favorite song.
Me;tell him I said that it's my fave as well.
Cal;hey it's luke:]
Me;... Hi...
Cal;so.. What song ya listening to?
Me;Never Be....
Cal;I feel like you don't like me:[
Me;I do.... I'm kinda fangirling....
Cal;ohhhhhh okay! Well, bye bye!:]
Cal;don't mind him. He's a loser.
Me;you're so nice Cal.
Cal;I take after you😂
Cal; earlier. When your brother said that you're obsessed with me. You said "just ignore him. He's a loser." Remember when we were video chatting?
Cal; yeah so BAM! In yo face!
Me; lol weirdo.
Cal;sorry. You're not famous enough.
Me;w-what? I- but I thought we had something special?!😭
Cal;nope. Not famous enough.
Me;fine. Buh byee
Cal;nooooooo I was kidding. Baby, don't be like that.
Me;nope, I'm not famous enough apparently. I'll have you know that I have 374 subs on YouTube.
Cal;we have 1,567,093 subscribers.
Me;you're famous stupid. C-e-l-e-b-r-I-t-y.
Cal;I knowwwwwww.
Me;please don't ever think I'm just using you for fame.
Cal;now I'm suspicious.
Me;I promise I'm not using you for fame. My subs haven't changed. I'm still the same loser I have been.
Cal;pinky promise?
Me;pinky promise.
Cal; :)
Me;I gotta go. I'll text ya later ok?
Cal;yeah. If you text me at 11-2 and I don't answer, it's because we have an interview then a performance. Okay?
Me;ok. Buh byee^.^
Cal;byeeeee Bill Nye
I smiled and turned my phone off.
I, honestly, have never been this happy.
I got off of "my" bed and went downstairs to get my stuff.
I walked over to the front door, where I put my stuff, none of it was there. I went into the living room, the boys are still there.
"Hey.. Have you seen my stuff?" I asked.
"Nope" Harry said laughing.
"Harry hid your bags behind the sofa." Niall got off of the chair he was sitting on and got my stuff out from behind the couch.
"You arse!" Harry quietly shouted.
"We shouldn't be mean to her. Didn't you hear what that Veronica lady said? Her mum used to abuse her. If anything, you're the arse!" Niall shouted back.
"Thank you Niall." I smiled at him.
I grabbed my stuff and walked upstairs, back to my room.
This whole day went from bleh to BLEH very quickly.
I threw my stuff somewhere randomly, walked over to 'my' closet and ERMAHGERD.
I'm just gonna try these clothes on.
So many band shirts. I tried them all on and omg! They all fit!
All the clothes in here surprisingly fit. Weird..
I changed out of my trashy clothes that I came here in.. So now I'm wearing a Blink-182 tank top, black ripped skinny jeans, and combat boots.
I threw myself on my bed and skyped cal.
Cal;"hey, I'm diggin' your new style."
Me;"I'll brb."
I got off the bed and turned on the stero. Uhmm. I can name this song. "So give me that high. Like you did last night." I sang and danced. I was skypeing Calum on the iMac. So he could see me.
Cal;"having fun there?"
Calum laughed, watching me dance.
Me;"wish you could dance with me."
Cal;"can you say hello for me? Please??"
I stopped dancing and sat at the desk where the iMac is.
Me;"hello sir Calum hood."
I laughed.
Cal;"oh my goodness."
Cal;"I love your accent."
Me;"I'm pretty sure you are the one with the accent."
Cal;"maybe to you. But, to me, you have an accent."
Me;"of course."
We both laughed.
Cal;"can I ask you something?"
Cal;" well, we've been talking for about 4 days. Next week I'll be in New York. And, well, you sure as hell aren't going back to where you were."
Me;"what are you trying to say?"
Cal;"I asked Luke, Mikey, and Ash if they approve of you coming on tour with us."
Me;"I'd love to cal.. The thing is.."
Cal;"what? What's wrong?"
Me;"I can't just leave with you, after that Veronica lady gets custody of me from my mother, I'll be with my brother. So it's up to him."
Cal;"is that a maybe then?"
Me;"it's a definite maybe cal."
Cal;"that's all I need to hear."
He smiled and ended our chat.
Ok then. I'm going to get some food now. It's 5PM. After I get food, I'm gonna go back into my temp room and take pics on the iMac and listen to the stereo. Also, I'm gonna try on different outfits.
I walked downstairs and into the kitchen. Niall's gone. Hmmm.
I opened the fridge and instantly noticed an unopened bag that says 'Nandos'
There's a note on it.
"Upstairs, third room on the left."
I grabbed the bag, put it on the counter and grabbed a soda. I went upstairs and went to the third room on the left. I'm kind of scared. I opened the door and saw Niall sitting on the floor. I knocked on the wall and he jumped.
"You scared the shyte out of me." He took the bag out of my hand and closed the door.
"Was that note on the bag for me? Or did you just want someone to bring you your food?" I said.
"Neither, I overheard Anne telling you about food and getting it whenever you wanted so I thought, 'maybe you wanna eat with me'" he smiled.
So goddamn cute.
"I'd love to eat Nandos with you, the Niall Horan" I laughed.
"Well, the mates were picking on you and I felt bad so I wanted to cheer you up." He sat on the floor and opened the bag and started eating. "You want any?"
"I'm fine, thank you." I awkwardly stood by his bed.
"If you're going to live here, you have to get comfortable with us."
"I know, this is just so overwhelming. Sorry. Do you mind if I go back to my room?" I said kinda nervous.
"Uhh... I don't mind.. Just thought we could hangout for a bit. Considering the lads and I will be leaving for our next tour in a few days."
My mind was telling me to stay. But instead, "how about you come into my room?" I blabbed out. Why? I didn't even want to say that.
"Umm.. Yeah, sure, why not?" He stood up.
We walked over to my room.
"Do you mind picking out some outfits for me? I want to see if you have good taste." I smiled.
Sorry for the late update guys!!! I got a new phone so I lost the chapter seven that I was originally writing. So yeah. I hope you enjoy!! I'll be updating more frequently from now on❤️💕
Love y'all!♡

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