Chapter 8 : I like you

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Baekhyun wakes up in the morning and finds that his condo is so silent. That's right, his parents were out for his grandma's house in Yanggu, meanwhile he has to stay due to his school.

"Aishh~ school is pain in the butt.. I think i'll just skip school today since my parents not here" Baekhyun scratches his buttcheek as he goes to the dining room where his mom already prepared his breakfast. He took a seat and starts to eat his food, he always hungry in the morning.

Knock knock knock.

Someone knocked the front door. Baekhyun glances at the door and lazily leaves his seat to open the door.

"Uhhh~ nee?"

I open the door and discovers a familiar-tall guy right infront of the door. He stares intensely on my figure and crosses his arms "what are you doing?"


-Sehun's Pov -

I just about to go out with my handbag to school, when i saw a postman standing infront of my neighbour.. I mean, Baekhyun's door, keep knocking the door while carrying a small package, calling their surname couple times. He must be here to delivers a package , but why didn't any of them answer the door?

"Um- sir, let me knock the door for you, i know the people lived here" i smiles to the exhausted-looking postman which gained a big smile from the latter "really? I'll leave it to you then, i've been knocking since half-an hour ago and nobody answered..i wondered if this condo is empty"

"Hahaha- i think no~ there's a brat who'll going to the same place as mine, so he must be at home" i chuckled. The postman nodded and waves his hand before walking ahead. And now, what the hell they're doing?? Are they deaf or something?

Knock knock.

I started to knock the door twice, nobody answers.

Knock knock.

I knocked another two and i can hear the creaking voice came from inside.

"Uhh~ nee?"

I knew it, he must be here.

The shorter guy opens the door after he let out his cute whine, his sleepy eyes are scanning me through. He still wearing his pajamas? What the heck?

"What are you doing?" I asked as I glared at him. He scratches his head and yawned "seonsaengnim? Why are you here?"

I pinched his waist as a reply , which sends the shorter guy a jolt.

"Uwa! What the-?!!"

"I should be the one asking you! It's already 6:30 am- still not prepared to go to school yet??" I pointed my finger on his chest.

"No school for me today~ my parents are not here so it's a free time for me~ byee" he says with his hazzy look on his face. He closes the door in a slow motion but, oh-not that fast, you brat. I hold the door with my hand and enter his condo.

"Whaa- seonsaengnimm~ no one invites you in!"

"I won't leave until you're ready for school, now, Byun Baekhyun"

"I told ya i wont-"

I pressed my palm against his forehead and grabbed his bangs "since your parents are not here, i'll replace them to drag you to school"

"Yah! You have no right to do that- " he whines , his lips pouted and his hands are pushing me.

"Shut up or i'll smack that loud mouth of yours with mine"

it's okay, That's love ❤ [✔END]Where stories live. Discover now