Chapter 18 : His illness

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Sehun rushes to the hospital after hearing of what happened to his boyfriend. He can't stop quivering on his way to the hospital. What the hell is this.. Is it mean.. What he worried about is actually happening? Fuck- it's not important right now!! All he cares right now is Baekhyun's condition.

- Sehun's pov-

"H-huh... Did you just say.. Byun Baekhyun?"

My tone was shaking as i talk, and teacher nana responded by a nod.

"No.. This is..not a prank right? Is it really him..?"

Teacher nana glares at me "why would i joking in this situation?" She sighed.

I deeply inhales, quickly gets my things and get up from my seat "teacher na, where he was taken to? Which hospital??"

"Well.. I guess it's Asan hospital, not far from here.. " teacher Na answered, while looking at me "are you going?"

I nodded before lightly tapping her shoulder "please.. Tell the headmaster i can't be on the meeting.. I..i had something to take care.." I stumbly talked.

Teacher na smiles, she nodded her head "i understand.. Just go and take care of your boy.. Teacher Oh"

Her answer does surprised me a bit, she seems to know about me and Baekhyun but i didn't ask her further. I rushed out of the school and takes a taxi to go to the hospital mentioned. My mind is full of worries now, i can't stop thinking about Baekhyun's condition.


What the hell is this.. Suddenly my nightmare came into my mind again. He has been worrying all day about his boyfriend, and now- something did happen to him. Fuck..

I clenched on my own chest, gritting my teeth. I don't care about that now.. But if anything happen to Baekhyun.. I will not be able to forgive myself.

As soon as i reached the hospital, i running inside. After asking which room Baekhyun was taken to, i rushes there and see Baekhyun's parents are already there. Sitting outside the room and they smiles as they saw me coming. I bow at them and smile, meanwhile i peeked inside the room and see the doctor was inside with unconcious Baekhyun lying on the bed.

"Abeoji...eomeoni.. How was his condition? Did the doctor say anything?" I asked his parents as we finally seated together on the chairs infront of the room. I bite my lips to hide the fact that i'm worried to death, trying hard not to show it to Baekhyun's parents.

"He is okay.. Sehun-ah , it's just his old disease reccured.." his mom smiles at me, softly taps my shoulder.


"He old disease?"

His mom nodded "well..yeah.. Since he was little, he has a asthma. Doctor said it was not that bad, but Baekhyun is not allowed to be cold, and tired. But as he grows up, he's doing fine now...the doctor did say that his disease can reccur anytime, but we didn't expect this because it's been years already.. But you don't have to worry too much, Sehun.. I'm sure he'll be okay " she said with a sad tone. I'm sure she's also worried about her son, but still managed to keep her smile on me.

I deeply sighed before i getting up, looking inside the room from the small window. The boy still lying there, unconcious. I clenched on my shirt, i feel mad at myself that i can't protect Baekhyun. I should've prevent him to swim.. I should've prevent him to go to school.. And i should've known about his old disease earlier..

I feel so fucked out. I don't care that the doctor said he'll be okay. He didn't seem okay to me, and i swear i won't forgive anyone who dare to did this to my boyfriend.


I turned around and find out that Jihyo, Baekhyun's sister was standing on my back, smiling at me.

"Jihyo-ya.." I smiles.

Jihyo taps my shoulder, she stands infront of me and her eyes are looking at her brother through the small window.

"It's been years since i saw him like this.. I didn't expect his illness will come back this early.. You must be shocked to discover his sickness now, Sehun-ah.."

I nodded on her statement.

".. I never saw him like this.. He always seem strong and cheerful. Seeing him like this..hurts me.. " i sniffs. Jihyo's eyes widen when she saw me almost teared up. She slowly leads me to sit on the long chair as she patting my back, trying to comfort me.

"Sehun..don't cry.. He will be okay" Jihyo says in soft tone. My shoulders are shaking as i tried hard not to cry.

"I...i feel that this is my fault.. If I listened to my heart .. This might not happen.." I stuttered up as i rest my head on my palms, looking down in sorrow. Jihyo sighed , then she wrapped her arms around me.

"It's not your fault, babo ya.. I believe you will never hurt him.. It just meant to happen, stop blaming yourself"

Jihyo says between her delicate smile. I turned my face to her, sniffing "he will be okay.. Right? Tell me..jihyo-ya..he'll be okay.."

Jihyo chuckles as she takes her handkerchief out, offering it to me "he will. Now, erase your tears and your snot- you look ugly when you cry, y'know"

I takes her handkerchief while pouting, i mumbles the word "gumawo" before wiping my tears away. At the moment, i think Jihyo is a pretty nice person. She comforts me meanwhile she's also worried of her brother. She has a huge faith on her brother.

"By the way Sehun-ah, how long have you became a teacher?" Jihyo suddenly asked.

"Um.. Around.. 2 years, i think? Why?"

Jihyo shakes her head "nah- i just wondering why you choose to become a teacher..i mean, you're still young and.. Teaching is not really your style" she chuckles.

"Why do you think so?" I furrowed my brows. I started to have a weird feeling about her question.

"You're handsome, Sehun-ah..your charisma is overflowing. You suited to sit on the CEO chair instead of the teacher's chair"

Her words shocked me a bit. For a second i remember my dad who's the CEO of Oh company, but i don't really want to think about it. Just remembering him giving me a headache. But..why the hell is she suddenly asked me this, as if she knew about my family's background..

I get up from my seat without replying her as i started to feel uncomfortable around her. At the same time, the doctor and the nurse come out from Baekhyun's room. Jihyo and her parents immediately get up as well.

"How was his" I scaredly ask.

The doctor smiles "theres nothing to worry about, he is fine. Now he's just sleeping, he should be awake soon.. And if anyone want to see him, please do.. But he also needs some rest for him to get better " he says.

I smiles in relief, same goes with his parents and Jihyo. The doctor then excuses himself. Baekhyun's parents immediately enter the room meanwhile me and Jihyo wait outside. I decided to let his parents see his condition first and not rushing myself in order not to make them suspicious. Jihyo shakes her head when she look at me, she then whispers on my ear before following her parents into the room.

"You..and Baekhyun, are not meant to be together, Sehun-ah.. You will regret it someday"

My eyes widen on her words. I turned my head to look at her, i can see a little smirk on her face as she approaching her brother inside.

To be continued

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