Chapter 1: Army

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So this is my first try at a fanfiction about Percy Jackson & the Olympians. Also, I am definitely not Rick Riordan. Hope you enjoy! Don't forget to review and comment if you like it! 

- The secret pen

"Percy! Stop it now! Please!" Annabeth giggled while her husband, Percy Jackson, tickled her. "It's not funny!"

"Then why are you laughing? Anyway, it worked!" As soon as her wife heard that, her face fell, as the reality came crashing.

"Percy. Please don't go!" she begged once again. Both had avoided the subject for the last three months.

"Annabeth! I already told you! I must, that's the least I can do, Jason and Grover have done so much for me! I would be dead if it wasn't for them."

A few months ago, Jason and Grover decided to join the army. Piper and Juniper had almost begged Percy to enlist as well. Percy being as loyal as ever had of course accepted. That day, two hours later, he would meet them at the airport and get deported in the middle of the war in Afghanistan.

"So that's it! You leave your wife behind! This is the moment where you get yourself killed!" she cried hysterically.

"I won't get killed; I promise. After all they did for me, I owe them that. I couldn't live with myself if something happened to them and I wasn't there to help them." he whisper-yelled back, not wanting to wake up his sleeping daughter, in a room upstairs.

"How can you promise that Perseus!" He flinched at the use of his full name. "You're a demigod for Heaven's sake! Didn't you get by now that you attract monsters? You already saved Olympus twice, isn't that enough? Now you're going purposely to get yourself killed! You leave me behind! How about your mom? How do you think she will react to that? After all the years she tried to keep you safe, that's how you pay her back? And your daughter? How do you think Selina will feel if you get hurt or even worst if you die? If she grows up without a father? She will think you have abandoned us." She cried out.

"Annabeth—" he tried to reach for her arm.

"Don't touch me!" she glared at him, tears slowly falling on her cheeks. "Don't pretend you care! Look, Percy, I'll make this very simple. If you pass this door," she pointed towards the wooden entry door, "you won't mean anything to me anymore. Do you see this ring? My wedding ring? I will throw it away. Selina will grow up without a father. You know I mean that." She was alarmingly calm, her eyes turning cold.

Percy paled, but his mind was set. He had to help his friends, after all they did for them, he had to. He climbed up the stairs and opened slowly the door, not wanting to wake his daughter up. He found her curled in a ball, her little face covered in tears.

"Silena?" he whispered.

"Daddy, you're leaving?" Not trusting his voice, Percy simply nodded. He picked her up and hugged her tightly, letting his tears fall freely. This was maybe the last time ever he would see his daughter. No! He would not let that happen. He would come back home safely.

"Sil, don't ever forget your daddy loves you and mommy with all his heart. Be kind to mommy okay? Be nice to her, for me."

"Yes daddy." she cried. He tried to pull away, but his daughter had grabbed the fabric of his army jacket, not wanting to let go of him.

"Darling, daddy needs to go. I will come back. I will be back for you." He promised. He felt the young child let go slowly of him. "Goodbye Silena. I love you." He left, closing the door after him. He went slowly down the stairs, dreading saying goodbye to his wife.

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