Chapter 6: "You're such a Seaweed Brain!"

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Maria Brown POV

It was my first day of high school. I have normal classes and I had chosen Ancient Greek because I love mythology. So, for my Greek class, I was with Mr. Jackson. I remember feeling quite shocked when I first entered his classroom. The other ones around the school were usually very plain with maximum of two posters. Mr. Jackson's one was covered in those. Some were about the Greek gods, others were ancient buildings in Greece, some were simply underwater places.

Our teacher was sitting on the seat behind the teacher's desk. We all chose a seat. He got up, told us to sit, and then presented himself.

"So, my name is Perseus 'Percy' Jackson. Yes, I was named after a Greek hero. I'll be your teacher this year and probably next year as well. Let me warn you my jokes can be very bad, deal with it." he grinned towards us. He was quite handsome. Tall, very muscular, with blank wind-swept hair and extremely beautiful sea-green eyes. He was handsome.

He continued: "I also do the swimming group. I love swimming. I'll try to make fun classes; you see I have dyslexia and ADHD. Please tell me if you have those too, it's fine. Now, we'll do a tour. When it's your turn, you say your name and favorite Greek gods. I'll start. So, as I said before, my name is Perseus Jackson, my favorite god is of course Poseidon." Thunder erupted and I think I heard Mr. Jackson mumble: "Sorry Zeus! Such a bad temper!" Some other students passed and then it was my turn.

 "My name's Maria Brown, my favorite goddess is Athena." He looked at me surprises and interested. "Why?" he asked.

"I don't know, she's smart and she looks kind." He smiled as if he knew something about her I didn't. Weird. We continued the tour. It rang and we all took our stuff and left. I didn't have a Greek class before Thursday.

As the weeks passed, I liked Mr. Jackson more and more. He even suggested I tried and joined the swimming team. I did. Mr. Jackson is the fastest swimmer I ever saw. He brakes records all the time. He told us he had done a competition before, but that he preferred being a teacher.

One Tuesday, during Greek class, when we were talking about Athena, a blonde, very beautiful woman entered quietly, nobody noticed. Mr. Jackson was explaining that the goddess had started that big fight with Poseidon.

"Did she indeed, Percy?" we all heard. We turned and saw the women smirking. Mr. Jackson smiled brightly. "I think it was rather the other way around."

"What are you doing here Annabeth?" he asked. 'Annabeth' walked towards his desk. "You forgot your lunch!" she laughed.

"Did I? Must have been distracted," he smirked. "Give it to me then."

"Magic word?" she teased; her face flushed.

"Please?" he laughed.

"Sure, Seaweed Brain." she gave him the lunch and left as quickly as she had come.

"Who was that?" Someone asked.

"Is she your wife?" another student added.

"Your girlfriend?"

"She's pretty!" a girl exclaimed.

"Beautiful!" another said.

"Wow, calm down!" Mr. Jackson laughed above everyone's noise. "I'll answer three questions now decide wisely."

"Who is she?" someone asked.

"She's my wife and my best friend." he sighed dreamily.

"How long have you known her?"

"I met her when I was twelve, dating at sixteen and married at twenty-four. Happy? Last question."

"What is her job?"

"She's an architect, CEO at Olympus Company."

A few weeks passed and we never saw Annabeth again. Then, one day, I was with a friend doing some shopping and we saw Mr. Jackson kissing his wife in a small street. His arms were around her waist and her hand was grabbed onto his hair.

When they pulled away, Annabeth saw us, kind of staring at them. She seemed to recognize us or maybe understand we were Mr. Jackson's student. She laughed and pointed her chin slightly towards us.

We saw Mr. Jackson turn suddenly. When he saw us, and probably our surprised faces that showed we caught what they were doing, he turned a deep shade of red. That seemed to amuse his wife very much because she burst out in laughter and he soon joined her too.

He took his hand and walked towards us, still blushing. "Maria and Sophie," he said, "you never saw that happen ok?"

He looked at Annabeth for support, but she was too concentrated, trying not to laugh at his embarrassment. "That's okay Percy, shame never killed did it?" she joked.

"Really Annabeth? Thank you for your support. Make fun of me, you'll see what happens next!" he said with mocked-indignation.

She could hold no more, she started laughing uncontrollably. He sighed dramatically, but I could see the amusement in his eyes.

"Well, bye girls," he said to us. "See you on Monday."

As they walked away, I thought I heard: "Really Percy, you can deal with monsters and you blush in front of your students. You're such a Seaweed Brain!"

If you have any idea for the characters' names, please tell me! I'm really bad with names so I always get stuck on very basic ones, that have nothing original ... 

- The secret pen

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