Chapter 13: "When will you be home again?"

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Annabeth woke up a little before six. She took a shower and went to prepare breakfast. At six-thirty, she heard a small scream. She rushed to the room from where it came. She took the baby up and soothed him. She carried him to the kitchen.

Like his father, Luke had sea-green eyes. However, he had Annabeth's honey-blond hair. He was tall for his age, like his two parents.

She smiled brightly at her little boy and gave him his baby food. At seven-thirty, once she had dressed Lucas, she drove him to a baby care center.

Annabeth Jackson was a very successful architect. A few years ago, she worked in New York, however, because of her job, she moved to San Francisco, where was the center of her company.

Percy, him, stayed in New York, where his job as a marine biologist kept him. He was also a famous Olympic swimmer and he had to do some very important competitions all around the world.

He had left a month ago for Asia, where he had some competition in Shanghai, New Delhi, Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, and Jakarta. He was supposed to come home the day before, but his flight was canceled. As a result, he would come late that day.

Annabeth worked all day until 5 p.m. when she had to pick Luke up. Annabeth drove home again.

Annabeth had always wondered how it was to be a single mom. Now she knew. It felt horrible. Even though she was married to Percy, she saw him once a month, for a day or two, before he had to leave either for competitions or for the week in New York, where was his world-wide famous aquarium.

Sometimes, he also left to inspect the sea. There, he would usually discover a new animal and then he would have to write a whole long and complete article about it; with its eating habits, where it lived...

As one of the leaders of Camp Half-Blood, he often visited to make sure everything went well and he also to teach new camper sword fighting, where he was excellent.

Even though she had enough money for all she and the baby needed, Annabeth felt very lonely. Although her relationship with her father and his wife was better, they were and would never be as close as Percy and his mother were. Even Sally lived in New York. She sometimes visited, but it was never for long.

She put Luke for a nap and worked on some plans. Lately, she had been asked, as one the world's biggest architecture company to work on some buildings in cities like Paris, Tokyo, London...

Although she loved her job, it was hard to have such an important one as well as taking care of her son. She relied more and more on an associate, who didn't do the job as well as she did, so she had to work on the plans again when they should already be finished.

She heard the keys in the door, and she got up quickly. Percy came in, his hair as ruffled as ever and his eyes more tired than usual. He still smiled, that lopsided grin that had made her fall for him, but she could see he was exhausted. He opened his arms for her to hug him

She rushed to him and kissed him.

"How did it go?" she asked.

He smiled a little and said: "I won." Annabeth wasn't even surprised. Percy always won.

"How's Luke?" he asked, his eyes showing his affection for his son.

"He's fine. He grew a lot," she said proudly.

At the same time, as if he understood they were talking about him, Luke started screaming from his room. Annabeth rushed to him, followed by Percy. She picked her son up and smiled at him. He opened his eyes and giggled as she tickled him, trying to grasp a piece of her hair.

Percy was smiling sadly from the door. He thought about how many times Annabeth was there, and he wasn't. He walked to her and hugged her from behind, his head resting in her shoulder, admiring their child. She looked at him and thought about how happy they were as a family, like this. Percy put his hand on Annabeth's one carrying their son.

However, the ring of Percy's phone broke the moment. He sighed and answered. Annabeth only heard a bit of the conversation, but that was enough to make her sad.

"Yes," her husband said. "Tomorrow? But I just got home today. Yes. I know. At ten? I'll be there. It's okay, it's not your fault. Yes. Bye."

When Annabeth saw him again, he sighed.

"I'm sorry Annabeth. I must go tomorrow. I must go to Indonesia, some problem with the rays. And then, I have a stupid competition in England."

She put the baby, who had fallen asleep in the crib and took his arm, deciding they might as well use the little time they had. They ate dinner and went to bed, enjoying each other's company in bed before he left.

The problem with Percy was, he was too loyal. He wanted to be there for everyone. Between his fans who wanted to see him win, the sea animals who needed his help, the camp that relied on him and his family and friends, he simply didn't have free time.

The next day, Percy got up at seven. He packed his suitcase and woke his wife before he left.

"Annabeth. I have to go," he whispered. She didn't move so he thought she hadn't heard. He bent down to kiss her but then he felt a hand in his hair. It was Annabeth.

"Goodbye Percy," she said, trying to seem happy, but failing miserably.

When Annabeth fell sick a month later, Percy still hadn't come home. She skipped work for a week, which was not like her at all.

Her husband came back home from England a week later. He had left two weeks more than the last time. It was his longest time away. Annabeth was waiting for him.

He tried to pretend everything was okay, but he knew Annabeth was hiding something from him.

"Luke started walking a month ago. You weren't here." It was a reproach and Percy felt it.

"I'm sorry," he said. He knew it was not an excuse, but he was too tired to think clearly. All he wanted to do was sleep.

"You always say that. When will you be home again? Luke doesn't even remember you! You're his father! I don't care for me. I can take care of myself, but Luke needs you. He started attracting monsters. He is a legacy, a very powerful one. Athena and Poseidon."

Percy had paled. "I'm sorry Annabeth. I truly am. But it's my work. I must do it. I did everything possible to make you and Luke happy."

"How can you say that? You're never here!" she screamed. Annabeth closed her eyes to calm herself. She knew she had to tell him, but she couldn't.

"I'll go take a shower," Percy said.

She went to bed and soon, Percy came too, wearing a long-sleeve t-shirt. It was very hot, and even in winter, Percy slept without one. He sat down, wincing slightly. Annabeth knew from there something was wrong.

"Percy, take your shirt off," she ordered.

He looked at her, half scared, half surprised. He should have known; she was the daughter of Athena. Her face had the look that said do-as-I-tell-or-I-will-make-you-do-it. Reluctantly, he took his shirt off.

Half his torso was covered in a bandage, as well as his left shoulder. Annabeth looked at him and got up. She touched his injured shoulder slightly, but Percy could not stop the wince.

"What happened Percy? What is it?" she asked frantically.

"I got hurt during a competition. It's broken, but it's almost fixed now. I can't swim for a month, but it's okay." he whispered. He saw Annabeth was crying. That was not like her.

"What is it Annie?" he pleaded, cupping her face with his good hand, attempting to make eye contact. His wife kept lowering her gaze.

"I'm pregnant" she whispered.

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