Chapter 8: Meeting Dr. Chase

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Frederik Chase POV

I looked at my watch. Twelve. Annabeth should be here anytime now, with her boyfriend. You see, I hadn't seen Percy since the time he came because the problem with Artemis. They were now twenty-four. We met, Annabeth and I, several times but Percy didn't come.

"Bobby? Mathew? Where are you? You sister will be here anytime now." As soon as I had said that, the bell rang. I rushed to the door and opened it. Gods! How he had changed! The scrawny-looking kid had turned into a handsome, muscular and lean man. His eyes were still bright green and his hair still jet black. Annabeth hadn't really changed. Her eyes were still curly and blond, her eyes as grey as ever. She was very beautiful. We hugged awkwardly and then my wife came. Bobby and Mathew ran in and started talking both at the same time.

"Annabeth!" said Bobby.

"How are you?" screamed Mathew.

"I asked her first." cried out the first.

"No, I did!" the second yelled.

"Mathew! Bobby!" My wife roared. "Just shut up." They both did and looked at Annabeth. A few seconds afterwards, they started again.

"Yes boys." Annabeth laughed, "Happy to see you too." She tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. I think I saw a ring on her finger. Impossible! She would have told me if she had gotten engaged, wouldn't she?

She saw me staring at her hand and she quickly hid it in her shorts' pocket and blushed. Before the silence became even more uncomfortable, Helen, my wife suggested we went in the living room.

We talked pleasantly and ate the delicious dinner Helen had prepared.

"Sooo," Bobby started. "Any dangerous quest since last summer we saw you?"

I stared at Annabeth, but she kept her eyes down, not wanting to meet mine. Percy, at her left, did the same. Both apparently didn't know what to answer. The started at each other, having both a quiet conversation.

"In fact, yes..." Percy started, still staring at my daughter.

"Yes?" I encouraged them. Annabeth, still hesitant, opened her mouth but closed it.

She finally met my eyes, those grey eyes identical to those of Athena, the wisdom goddess.

"Percy and I, we went to get a few demigods in a school. Daughter of Apollo and son of Ares. When we came back, we were attacked by the Minotaur. Again. The two new demigods were saved but Percy was hurt. He almost died," she stopped and smiled sadly at her boyfriend who was looking at her with regret and worry. He took her hand and squeezed it slightly.

We all kept silent a second and Percy started again. "A few of our friends who helped us were hurt too. Thankfully nobody died. Our oracle, Rachel announced a prophecy. The seven, well technique only six, since Leo went missing, must reunite once again to save the missing demigod. We must leave in a few hours; we came to say goodbye. We don't know if we'll make it, the prophecy mentioned deaths. In plural. We don't know." She seemed to try not to cry. She got up as well as Percy.

He took her in his arms, letting her cry into his shoulder. He whispered something in Greek, but I couldn't hear or understand anything he said. It seemed to calm her down.

As for Helen, Bobby, Mathew and I, we sat shocked both by the news but also because Annabeth was crying. I had only seen my daughter cry a couple of time. As a baby, she was quiet. And there she was, sobbing in front of us.

Soon, the couple had to leave. For several months, more than a year, we had no news at all. It was very hard. During the last wars, we hadn't known anything, we didn't even know she had left in the first place.

One day, a few months after we had last seen my daughter, the door rang. I opened it and I saw Annabeth and Percy, smiling softly. I looked at her and smiled back. She seemed very happy at beamed at Percy, who was looking at a bundle in his arms?

She laughed at took it from Percy's arms.

"Meet Zoë Bianca Jackson, your granddaughter."

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