Chapter 17: One more month to go

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"Percy." his wife's very angry voice screamed from the kitchen. "Come down this minute."

Percy was currently taking a shower, both to escape his fuming wife and the insufferable heat. He left, dried himself, and put his shorts on, not bothering to put a T-shirt on.

He quickly went down the stairs and walked quickly knowing Annabeth would not like to be kept waiting long. He tried not to laugh at the picture in front of him: his angry wife, in one of his T-shirts, her enormous stomach protruding and her hands on her lips.

"Yes, love." he soothed the steaming dragon in front of him.

"That's not going to work with me Perseus and you bloody well know that," she told angrily, but Percy had known her too long and could see that twinkle in her eyes that told him she liked it when he called her names.

He walked behind her and flipping her long blond hair on one side, started to kiss her full lips.

"Percy." she moaned. "Not now." she continued unconvincingly. Her husband knew that deep down she was pleased. He started to cover her face in kisses, pecking her delicate jaw and brushing his lips from her neck to her shoulder, slowly slipping the fabric off to gain better access. He felt her lean on his bare chest as he gently bit her ear.

Suddenly, seeming to grasp the ideas that they were in a kitchen, which windows gave straight onto the neighbors' apartment, Annabeth pushed him away and started to prepare some pancakes. Percy sighed. Since she had become pregnant, and even more as months passed and went, she had refused to let him kiss her as she did before.

He stepped forward until he was just behind her and embraced her with his strong muscled arms as he started to caress lovingly her bulging stomach. She smacked him away. She didn't like him to do that either as it reminded her body had changed with the pregnancy. She knew it was stupid, she truly did but she could not help it.

"Annabeth. Please?" He begged. She didn't look at him, because she felt guilty as it was also his baby but also because she knew he would give her those puppy eyes and that there was no way she would resist those.

"Wise Girl." She smiled as he used her nickname, which he hadn't done in a while, and now kept for serious moments like this. "Look at me." he pleaded.

She shook her head, letting her long hair fall onto her face. 

"Please," he begged as he tucked a piece of hair behind her ear. He took her chin in his calloused hands from training and forced her to turn her head towards him. Still, she would not meet his eyes.

"What is it Annabeth? What did I do? Tell me! I don't understand." he urged.

"Of course, you don't." she snapped. He jumped in surprise, having not seen her outburst come.

"That's not fair, Annabeth, and you know it," he said, his voice shaking from shock and a bit of anger. "I'm trying. Really. I am. But you don't speak. You don't want me to touch you. You're distant."

"Let me be," she screamed, frustrated.

"No, I won't. I care about you but all you do is shut me down. We're married, we're supposed to do things together."

"Your bloody well not carrying this baby. You're not the one throwing up because of it. You're not the one who must deal with everything. The stretch marks. The swollen ankles." She yelled, her eyes a thunder about to erupt.

"That's what it is all about, isn't it? Why do you have to be so complicated? Piper wasn't like this when she was pregnant of Leo." As soon as he said that, he realized how wrong he had been. Hurt flashed on his wife's face.

"Annie I'm—" he started, trying to keep her from leaving.

"Fuck off and don't you dare touch me." she ran as fast as she could to their room, but Percy was faster and managed to take her arm. She tried to fight but Percy was too strong. She started hitting him until she got tired and let herself drop into his embrace.

"I'm sorry Annabeth. I didn't mean to. Really, I am. I love you like you are, fiery temper and pregnant. I think you're even more beautiful while carrying my child." He consoled her while patting her back.

He picked her and carried her up bridal way to their bedroom.

"Please Annabeth. I think you're beautiful." He promised. "It's you I want and no one else."

Annabeth looked at him, her face still, tear-streamed but with a defiant look in his eyes he had seen so many times.

She took her shirt off and looked defiantly at Percy. He looked at her, with much more weight on her previously fit body and with dark stretch marks all over her lower abdomen. "Even like that?" She asked, raising her eyebrows in challenge.

"Even more like that," he swore and it two big strides, he was next to her, kissing her like there was no tomorrow.

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