vii - gash

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They all sat in a circle, Dustin talking loudly while Mike and Lucas tried to listen, but couldn't stop thinking about Will, who was looking down at his hands in his lap. Lucas shuffled on the gravel, staring at Will, who could feel Lucas's glare burning through his skull.

"M-Mike?" Will sniffled, wiping his cheek, then putting it down on his thigh. Will was still looking at the ground, but Mike was looking over at Will.

"Yeah?" Mike asked, putting his hand onto Will's, who went a bright red.

"I-I wanna go home," Will mumbled. Mike's heart sunk slightly, but weaved his fingers through Will's, who's palms were sweating.

"oh, yeah, ok, um do you want me to come with you?" Mike said, stumbling over his words. Will sighed and shook his head, getting up, Mike's hand sliding off his thigh. "Ok, uh, I'll see you later...?" Mike finished, letting out a breath he didn't know he was holding. Will walked off, he felt like he was gonna cry, and road his bike away from the quarry. Mike watched Will bike off, his heart sinking deeper.

"What's wrong with Will?" Dustin questioned, specifically at Mike. Mike looked down at his feet, then back up at Dustin.

"I don't know, but I have to tell you guys something," Mike answered, his eyes wide and watery. "It's about Will. It's important."

"Well what is it then?" Lucas asked, his eyebrows furrowed and his dark eyes filled with concern.

"I-I saw Will, and his entire chest and, his, well, his ribcage, n stuff, were like, covered in scars, like, all over," Mike stuttered, fidgeting with the stubs of his nails. Lucas raised an eyebrow.

"Wait... YOU SAW HIM SHIRTLESS?!" Dustin exclaimed. Mike's face went pure red, and he could feel his stomach flutter. His hands running up Will's spine, Will's face in the crook of his neck, his thumb in his soft brunette hair...

"well yes, but, I mean, were just friends, and, you know, he was having a nightmare," Mike mumbled. "You're not getting the point! He was covered in scars, and he was so thin it was unbelievable!" Mike threw his hands in the air, trying to show urgency, which was already shown in his panic-stricken face.

"Ok, ok. Did you ask him about the scars?" Lucas asked, leaning forward slightly towards Mike.

"No, but I will. I think only I should go, cause, you know, he would be embarrassed if you guys knew," Mike murmured, rubbing his elbow. "I'll call you guys if I get any info. We have to help Will." and with that, mike got up and biked up the gravel trail, through the woods, down the road to the Byer's house.

"I think Mike's gay."

Mike threw his Bike down in front of the Byer's lawn, looking out at the small, brown, flat roofed home.

"Will?" Mike called out softly, approaching the front door of the house. Wait, would Will reallly be in his house right now. Whenever he's sad he usually goes to castle byers... Mike thought, then before he knew it, he was running full speed into the woods, at the back of the house, slowly coming to a hault to a small log fort. He took a deep breath and walked in, but his heart pounded faster when he saw what was inside. Will. But Will was lifting his shirt up to tend to a large gash on his waist. "will..." Mike said softly. Will shot up, dropping the shirt back over his bony hip.

"oh, hey M-Mike." Will panted painfully, his eyes puffy. Mike dropped down to his knees in front of Will, putting his fingers on Will's knee, who flinched and sunk back against the was.

"Will... what happened..." Mike said very softly, almost like a whisper. Will looked away from him, clearly pained. "Here, let me help you." Mike continued, reaching for the first aid kit that was laying near Will, and scooted closer.

"Mike, it's ok," Will whimpered, shaking.

"Will, you don't have to lie to me. You can tell me, please," Mike said strictly and firmly. "May I?" Mike asked, hand near Will's shirt. Will's breath hitched and he nodded. Mike took the edge of Will's shirt, which blood was starting to sink through. Pain ran through Will's body, like an electric shock.

"M-M-Mike," Will whimpered, his eyes squeezed shut.

"Hey, hey, hey. I know it hurts," Mike assured, reaching over to Will and rubbing his cheek. Will's stomach flipped, butterflies flying everywhere through his body. "Just try to stay calm, ok?" Will nodded, squeezing Mike's arm, who was cleaning the gash. Will's lips trembled, but he tried to hide the pain.

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