iix - whimper

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Will sat there, squeezing his eyes and hands shut. His breathing was hard and deep. Mike, on the other hand, was breathing light, almost inaudible breaths, cleaning out Will's wound as painless as possible, which, was way harder then it sounds. Will let a pained whimper, Mike drawing the rag he was using away from the wound.
"You ok?" Mike asked, putting a hand on Will's shoulder. Will opened his eyes and looked into Mike's dark ones, which were filled in worry. Will bit his lip and nodded, making Mike go red in the face. Will closed his eyes again leaning his head back, exposing his throat, which made Mike go warm all over. Mike was almost done cleaning the wound, still deeply concerned on how Will got it. Mike dabbed at the cut, the rag almost all covered in splotches of blood.
"M-mike" Will moaned, sinking back a little and his heart beating a million beats per second.
"Do you want me to stop? I think it's ready for bandages..."
         "Mike..." Will interrupted shakily. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." Mike widened his eyes, then knit his eyebrows.
           "For what?! You did nothing wrong, Will," Mike assured, rubbing Will's shoulder, who still had his head tilt back. Will sniffled, trying to hold back large tears that were filling his hazel eyes.
            "I-im weak Mike... if I-I didn't let Troy take me, a-and I could fight off m-my dad hu-" Mike tilted Will's head back up, tears running down his soft cheeks. Mike wiped Will's face with his thumb, there eyes connecting.
           "Did Troy do this..." Mike asked, gesturing to the cut. Will shook his head, holding onto Will's forearm.
            "He hurt m-me other ways," Will sniffled, wiping away more tears. Mike's heart beat sped up to a billion beats per minute. 

"What did Troy do to you?!" Mike gasped.

            "I-I can't tell, M-Mike, or he'll hurt m-me more!" Will sobbed, breaking down into Mike's arms, pain shooting from his hip. He was crying harder then every. Then his dad must've done this. Mike thought, rubbing Will's back. Anger was boiling in his stomach. Will doesn't to be hurt by anyone. He was so kind, sweet, funny, shy...he was perfect.
          "I Will never let anyone hurt you EVER again. Not Troy, not your dad. No one," Mike swore, letting Will sob into his shoulder.
           "T-thank you mike," Will whimpered, failing back onto the small mattress that Will kept in his fort, more pain shooting up into his throat from his hip. Mike smiled softly and nodded reassuringly, rubbing Will's leg as he bandaged Will up.
            "Here, have these," Mike said, handing will two round pain killers from the first aid kit and a half empty water bottle he found on a short wooden table. Will took the pills into his own and uncapped the water bottle, taking a sip and swallowing the pills.
        "Thank you Mike," Will thanked softly. His gash throbbed. Mike looked away, his face red.
         "No problem," Mike mumbled. "Hey, uh, do you wanna, like, you know, come to my place? I'm guessing you don't really want to go back to yours...." Mike muttered picking at his  nubby nails. Will wiped his eyes.
          "Mike, I would love to, but it hurts to move right now..." Will explained, biting his lower lip once again.
          "I can carry you! Th-then you can ride with me on my bike..."
          "I would love too, but I don't want to be a nuisance..."
          "You're never a nuisance, Byers."
          "Mike...are you sure?"
          "Of course I am," Mike finished, scooping Will up in his arms, carrying out the fort bridal style. Will snuggled into Mike, inhaling his sweet woodsy scent, ignoring the explosions in his heart, which pounded against his ribs.    Mike could feel each rib though Will's flannel shirt, the chilly air brushing against their faces. Will shivered, holding Mike closer. It was cold, but Will made him feel warm.

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