xvi - lips

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Will cuddled into Mike's side, a small smile written across his face. Mike grinned too, looking down at Will with pure admiration. He couldn't believe this was happening, an arm around Will's waist, with Will's head on his shoulder. both of their faces were tinted pink in blush.

"What do you say we go to the basement and watch a movie together?" Mike asked. Will grinned softly and nodded.

"I'd like that a lot," Will replied, looking up at Mike with round, hazel eyes that reminded Mike of a puppy's. Mike's soft smile turned into a grin, before getting up and taking Will's hand into his. Will's face instantly lit up with red blush, but continued to follow mike down the steps to his basement.

"Sooo, what do you wanna watch?" Mike asked, turning on one of the dull lamps next to the couch, which was across from the TV.

"What do you wanna watch?" Will shot back, smiling softly. Mike rolled his eyes, though still smiling.

"You have to decide! You're the guest!" Mike exclaimed, putting his hands on his waist. Will was now the one to roll his eyes.

"You're the generous host! You decide what we watch!" Will said, crossing his arms. Mike's smile grew into a vicious grin, before pouncing on Will, tickling him all over. Will giggled, falling onto the couch behind him. Mike knew will was ticklish, and when they were kids he'd tickle him just to be evil.

"No! Mike! Stop!" Will managed to say between his many giggles. He felt powerless against Mike, who continued to tickle him. Will couldn't help but have memories of Troy in his Dad, but he tried to force them out of his mind. He really just wanted to be able to be childish and have fun with Mike, but he just... remembered.

"Not unless you choose a movie!" Mike replied. Will nodded instantly, squirming away from Mike and breathing hard.

"Ok, ok! I give up!" Will panted throwing his hands above his head in surrender. Anxiety bit at the back of his head, but he tried to forget it. He didn't want to ruin Mike's day any more than he did. He didn't want to annoy him. "let's watch The Breakfast Club," Will finished. Mike nodded, going over to a bookshelf where he kept mostly movies.

"Here we go," Mike said quietly to himself, putting in the movie then switching off the lamp, plopping down on the couch next to Will. Mike wrapped a blanket around them, letting Will lean his head into the crook of his neck. Mike was almost 100% sure Will was going to chose this movie since it was one of Will's favorites.

Mike tried to focus on the movie, but he couldn't stop his eyes from trailing down to Will. Mike just thought he was beautiful, and Mike loved everything about him, from his wide hazel eyes to the birthmark above his lip. He knew he liked Will, he just didn't know how to tell him.

"If you take a picture it'll last longer," Will said quietly, looking up at Mike with a soft smile. Mike's face instantly lit up, realizing that he was staring at Will.

"Oh, uh, sorry," Mike said, flustered. Will giggled slightly and moved closer to Mike.

He looks adorable wrapped in that blanket...

"It's no problem," Will chuckled, laying back down on Mike's shoulder and cuddling into his side.

He's so gentle, I just wanna hold him forever...

"Uh, hey Will... can I tell you something," Mike asked suddenly, his fast-beating heart speaking for him.

His beauty makes me fuzzy. He's so pretty...

"Yeah, of course," Will replied gently, looking back up at Mike once again.

I want him to be mine...

"Will, I-" Mike couldn't take it any longer, pressing his lips down onto Will's. It just felt right. Will felt right.

Eww kissy kissy icky

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