3. Only a donkey could find you attractive.

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Chapter 3. Only a donkey could find you attractive.

It had been ten minutes since we were locked in this room. And although I had turned on my phone's flashlight there was no range on my phone to call anyone and ask for help. And he had left his phone at his desk, because he had another one in the room next door - the one I should have entered.

"What is this room?" I waved my phone around, looking at the endless number of folders and files stuffed in every corner.

"It's the file room." Alex answered, he was sitting on a small table at the corner, his laptop on his lap as he typed something very fast. His eyebrows were furrowed in concentration and I could see he was frustrated. I would be too.

"I am sorry, I didn't know about this door."

I heard Alex sigh. "It's okay Myra, it's not your fault. I have dropped a mail to the main security. They should have this door open in ten minutes." He closed his laptop and got up, keeping his laptop on the table he was previously sitting at.

He walked towards me, I gulped and looked away. Being at this close proximity, alone and locked with his hot human specimen was the devil's way of showing me why I should have ate the last French toast and not thrown it away. Mom always said, eat the food Myra, don't throw it away or it will haunt you.

My food is sure yummy and definitely haunting me.

"Myra, are you okay?" he was closer than I had anticipated, I could feel his hot breath over my neck.

I gasped, taking a step back, needing some distance between us. "Yes of course I am okay. Are you okay? You would be okay, you are always okay. Do you know okay is the most frequently spoken or written word on this planet? The origin of this word is also well disputed, some believe it came from the nickname of President Martin van Buren, 'Old Kinderhook' while some say that it is a shortened version of 'Oll Korrect' which was used by President Andre during-"

"Myra." Alex's short commanding voice made me stop. "You are babbling."

I pressed my lips together to stop myself from speaking. I had tendency of talking non-stop whenever I felt nervous or anxious. It was my mind's way of coping up with the tensed awkward situation. Half of the times I didn't even know what I was talking about, words would just flow through my lips. All I could hope was they made sense.

"Sorry." I mumbled, tapping on my phone screen impatiently, wondering what was taking the security so long.

Alex smiled, titling his face, his gaze analysing me. I squirmed under his scrutiny. "How old are you Myra?"

I looked at him, "You should know, you have read my file."

"I would prefer hearing it from you."

"Twenty-three." I answered after a few seconds. "I'll turn twenty-four this coming October. How old are you?"

"I just turned twenty-seven." He answered, taking a step near me.

This time I stayed put, holding my stance. He seemed surprised at my stiff response. "Do you have a boyfriend?"

My eyes widened at the personal question, "Didn't your file have this information?"

He shrugged, "I skipped that page."

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