40. I am in love with Ray

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Dedicated to around_an_hour for being an awesome reader!

The book is soon coming to an end. I is sad :(

 I is sad :(

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Chapter 40. 

I am in love with Ray


I glared at the stupid fish and picked it up. "Die Lena, die." I said to it in rage and threw the fish against the wall.

It hit the wall and fell on the ground and then Lena spoke, freezing all three of us.

"Relax Myra. It's not from your ex-boyfriend. It's from your future husband."

Ray Parker's haughty cackle was the one to haunt me forever.

"So are we burning that fish now?"

I stared at the talking fish in ultimate horror.

"Is-" I took in a shaky breath, clutching on the couch for support, afraid that I might faint from shock and fear. "Is that Ray?"

"I am afraid so." Zivah's voice shook, coming closer to me. I could feel the waves of fear coming from her too. "Do you think he can see and hear us?" she whispered into my ears.

I continued to look at the deadly fish, not knowing what to answer to that.

I didn't have to wait for long.

"I know I should have called like most people but this is so much fun. And no, I cannot see you but I can hear you, loud and clear." Ray's voice tormented us through the fish. "Installing camera in this would be too low, even for me."

I wanted to snort in disbelief at that. Hacking phones and huge companies that isn't low? Spreading nudes isn't low? This sicko!

"Anyways." Ray chirpy tone made me throw away that fish in the depths of hell. "I wanted to congratulate you, on your breakup. Also I heard you lost your job. That's cool."

I closed my eyes trying to not get affected by his words. "That breakup was because you hacked Alex's company. And I didn't like that job anyways. How did you even know about this soft toy?"

From beside me, Evan spoke up. "Everyone knows about it, you posted it on Instagram."

My mouth formed an 'o' in realization. Well that one's on me.

"See Myra, I didn't hack your phone for this. Just stalked your Instagram." Ray mocked.

"What do you want?"


I closed my eyes in exasperation, I was definitely not in a mood for this. "Fuck off Ray. I am throwing this out."

I walked towards the fish and just as I bent down to pick it up, I heard another familiar voice. One that I definitely didn't want to.

"Don't throw it Myra."

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