41. I should make you wear my red lingerie.

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The end is near....

Chapter 41.

I should make you wear my red lingerie.


I started at the creepy line of warehouses with a shiver running down my spine. There were three and all of them looked worn down.

How did Athena even know about this place? Or was it Ray's idea?

Either way the place was old, deserted and looked pretty haunted. Perfect for hiding. Perfect for killing.

I took small steps towards the first warehouse, my car was parked a few blocks away to avoid attention. My eyes scanned over the place but it was so silent except for the annoying noise of crickets.

As I neared the place I paused straining my ears to hear any movement or noise from inside the warehouses but it was still silent. I wondered if they were even in there, maybe it was just a hoax. I quickly looked around for any signs of cameras but I couldn't see them either.

"Wow." I whispered to myself. "I can't believe I actually miss Evan. But then again he would be hiding behind me, that frightened old dog."

I stood in front of the door and I could feel my hands shaking as they neared the door knob. I quickly looked at my phone, I had the police on speed dial and if I were to see any sight of Ray I was going to call them. I couldn't risk been a Wonder Woman and confronting him in this empty terrifying warehouse.

I still had so much to live for. I had to try so many flavors of ice cream yet.

Taking a deep breath I turned the door knob, it creaked and opened just a little. I held my breath, not moving even a little. I could see it was dark inside from the small gap and I couldn't hear a sound. So I pushed the door wide open and sighed in relief when I saw it was empty except for some metal scrapes and broken chairs lying around.

I took a step inside, scanning it with my flashlight. My nose wrinkled at the smell of dust and muddy water. "Clearly no one's been here." I muttered to myself.

Just as I turned to walk out, I felt a presence behind me right before a palm pressed against my mouth.

My eyes widened in terror and I started moving my arms around, wanting to scream but not being able to.

Another arm swung across my waist, trapping both the arms.

I couldn't scream. I couldn't move. And with all that fright I couldn't breathe.

I instantly regretted not going to those Karate classes my mother had suggested.

And at this position how was I to kick his balls either?

His face neared my ears and I closed my eyes, my heart beating wildly. I could feel myself trembling and actually grateful for his arm because without it, I would have been a terrified mess on the floor.

His breath danced on my ears.

My throat clogged up.

"If you don't scream, I'll let you go."

My eyes snapped open at the familiar voice. I blinked twice before shrugging out of his hold and turning to him – fuming with rage.

"What the fuck Alex?" I shouted.

He instantly put a finger to my lips. "Hush!"

I slapped his hand away but turned my shouting into a whisper. "You scared me!" I exclaimed gritting my teeth.

He grinned. "I know. It was fun. You were trembling like a leaf."

"And I slap like a Kardashian." I spat back. "Do you want your eyebrows flying to the wall?"

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