8. After all we need to talk about our relationship.

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How you doing? I am bored!!!!

Also any Netflix suggestions? I love Lucifer!!

Chap 8 : After all we need to talk about our relationship.

The office was a mess, our cubicles were a mess. There were people running here and there, projectors were on, every person was using two systems to get the job done at the earliest. I could hear shouts and screams and I was pretty sure no one knew who was talking to whom. It looked like a horribledisaster.

Alex Bianchi loved it. In fact, he urged it, screaming at his workers to find who ever had the audacity and talent to hack into his systems and steal the client data. Again.

"I cannot believe the pathetic security this billion dollar business has. You all should feel ashamed of yourselves." Alex shouted, his face enraged, not one person had the guts to reply to him. Mostly because it really was their fault. "Security team!"

Immediately around 15 heads snapped up, staring at their boss with fear written all over their faces. "You are all fired!"

A collective sound of desperate gasps filled the air at Alex's horrid proclamation.

Every protest was silenced with a stern glare with Alex. Even I physically flinched.

Myra, remember to not get on the bad side of this unpredictable billionaire. You need this job.

His eyes then turned to us, the Cyber Security team. "You have three hours to find out this person. Or all of you are also fired." His eyes wandered over everyone's faces before settling on mine. Moreover, with that unsympathetic expression I knew he meant every single word of what he said.

All eleven of us would be jobless and depressed within the next three hours.

I looked at the Security team and felt a huge cloud of fear tower over me. Alex when angry was super terrifying. 

"With all due respect Mr. Bianchi." Ajay started, he was the senior most person and had an incredible hacking mind, and he had been in the company for over 10 years now. "We are all trying our very best. There has been some progress, we now know what proxy servers he is using to route a fake signal. And I am sure we can track it back to him. But we will need the Security team, you can't fire them at this point."

Alex didn't seemed fazed, on the contrary, his eyes just narrowed – annoyed at the speech.

Ajay wasn't fazed even a little bit. He continued, "I cannot assure if we can give find the person behind this in three hours but I can assure you we have done triple security now. Every document, every folder, every file is encoded and it is near impossible to have this scenario again. If you could give us some days we will surely find out more about this code, the hacker is using."

I was amusingly surprised to see Alex actually relax at Ajay's words. He took a deep breath. "Three days, Alex, you have three days. No one sleeps. Security team you are hired again, for now." Alex threatened before walking out of the room.

Everyone breathed out in relief as soon as the intimidating man disappeared through the door. Collective voices of thank you and you are amazing, rang in Ajay's direction. Who instead of smiling and saying welcome, said. "Go and do your work. Don't kiss my ass now."

Me, my feet seemed to have a brain of their own. I walked outside the door, following Alex.

"Hey rich boy." I shouted just as his figure was taking a turn. I knew I was aggravating him, especially after all this. I should not be calling him that. But I had this weird emotion of loving to irritate him.

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