18. It would have worked, if it wasn't for the wrong timing

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A quick question - How many of you like Athena? 

Chapter 18. It would have worked, if it wasn't for the wrong timing

"I didn't do it!"

"Please get into the car."

"But I didn't do it!!! You have to understand." Ray was screaming his lungs out, fighting the cops and trying to get out from their hold. "You have the wrong guy!"

"Bloody fool." One cop screamed in anger as Ray kicked his shin. The cop slapped him on the face, it was so hard that Ray's entire face froze, his eyes opening wide. "Get this bastard in the car." The cop ordered.

This time Ray didn't fight. Even from this far, I could feel the sting of the slap, poor Ray.

"Are you watching it again?"

I jumped up in shock, slamming the laptop shut. "No." I squeaked out.

Alex dropped down on the couch seat beside me, opening the laptop and watching the YouTube video of Ray's arrest replay. It was put up a week back by his neighbor when he was arrested and it had soon become viral. He raised his eyebrows at me, waiting for an answer.

I sighed, rubbing my nails against each other. "He looks so innocent." I pointed as the video played Ray's screaming face 'I didn't do it'

Alex raised his forefinger, a gesture to wait for a minute. He dialed a number, "I want that YouTube video taken down." And then he cut the call, turning back to me. "We found the proof. The hacking codes sent a location tag and that was your hacking class. At that time, Ray was there in the class." Alex bit his lip contemplating his next words.

"Tell me." I incited, holding his arm.

Alex smiled dismally. "They found some of the data in his laptop. Not all of it but enough to build a case against him. The data was in an encrypted folder and Ajay could only just crack it. So" Alex paused, looking into my eyes. "He is not innocent."

I gave a nod, a part of me still not believing Ray was the hacker despite all the proof against him. "Athena knows?"

"She saw the news." Alex informed. "Then she called me and shouted at me, no, screamed her lungs out at me. I could hear the echo in my brain. It was so bad."

I grimaced, knowing Athena could be the most terrifying person even to her own boss – Alex Bianchi. "She is still in the hospital?"

"I wouldn't count on it." Alex admitted. "She called me yesterday night."

"I should call her." I said, picking up my phone and surprised to see a few texts from Evan.

I felt a pang of guilt hit me, I was so caught up in all this Ray getting arrested and Athena in the hospital and getting proofs of all kind to make sure Ray would go to jail that I had completely forgotten about him.

I didn't open his messages, it was better if I called him first and told him everything in person. And just as if he could read my mind, my phone rang – Evan.

"I need to-" I raised my phone, faking a smile and walking out into the balcony.

Evan was still a touchy subject for Alex. He still claimed to not like him because I had decided to date Evan before him. Alex thought I chose a complete stranger over the guy who was my boss and knocked on my door when drunk. "I came to you when I was drunk. Do you know how special that makes you?" Was Alex's favorite argument.

"You weren't thinking clearly." I would say back.

"And even in that fuzzy mind, I still thought clearly of you." He would reason back, bringing a blush on my face every time. The reason I subconsciously made that squabble all the time, was because of Alex's words, I loved to hear them.

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