32. He has abs, you have a flab.

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Have you been drunk before? Like totally drunk?

Chapter 32.

He has abs, you have a flab.


"So why won't you have sex with me?"

Alex choked on air, coughing so loud that the people living downstairs could hear it. He patted his chest, not sparing me a glance. "What?" he choked out.

I blinked at him with a blank face, the 'Happy Birthday' banner in my hand. "Why won't you do it?" I repeated.

Alex scratched his arm and I saw this cheeks and ears slowing turning red. He fumbled with words as he spoke. "What are you talking about?"

I moved the balloon packet and sat down next to him on the bed. "It's been months since we started dating. I know you didn't wait this much for all your ex-girlfriends. So why me?"

Alex couldn't even look at me. He was twisting the balloon in his hand. "I didn't have any ex-girlfriends." He corrected.

I rolled my eyes. "Flings." I improvised. "We sleep on the same bed, we kiss, we hug, we have even said the L word, so why won't you do it?"

Alex sighed, glancing at me and then instantly looking down. The redness on his cheeks still there. "Why-why are you so blunt?"

"It is a valid question."

Alex scoffed. "Even then. Don't be so-" he paused thinking of a word. "-vulgar."

I gasped. "Since when is sex so vulgar to you?"

"Not sex." He waved at him dismissively. "That topic."

I raised an eyebrow. "The topic of sex?"

"Can you stopping say sex?"

"Can you do sex?"

Alex groaned, dropping his head into his palms.

I crossed my hands at his dramatic actions.

"Can't you be shy like all girls?" he groaned.

"Shy?" I snorted. I took the end of hair, putting them in between my teeth and blinking at him in innocence. I looked down, sneaking soft sweet glances through my eye lashes. "Like this?" I blinked fast, pressing a fake overly sweet smile. "Honey, dumpling, cookie pie, the star of my eye."

Alex shuddered, leaning back. "Don't do that ever again. Ever." He shuddered even more. "Never thought that I would like Rich boy more than honey."

I dropped the shy act, glaring at him. "So? When are we doing it?"

Alex shook his head. "Seriously, what do I do with her?" He whispered to himself.

"I can give you a list." I replied, sending a wink.

Alex leaned back, swallowing hard. He cleared his throat. "We will talk about this later."

"Why!" I complained.

Alex clenched his jaw, standing up and walking towards the door.

Feeling a little angry, I grabbed the balloon packet and threw it at his broad back. He barely flinched. "Later Myra."

I glowered at his retreating back. "Dammit. Is he seriously playing hard to get?" I muttered to myself. I scoffed at the thought. "One would think he is the girl in this relationship."

I stared at the banner in my hand, biting my lower lip. "Well Alex Bianchi, for once I will be the guy and seduce you into bed."

I got up, taking the banner to the living room. Zivah was setting up the table and Evan was sticking the balloons to the ceiling. Zivah had asked some of our friends to join us and Evan had got his roommate. It was Athena's birthday tomorrow and although she kept ordering that she didn't want any celebration or even cake cutting, we had told her to stick her stiff personality up her butt.

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