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Right after introducing myself to the girls, an uncomfortable silence appeared and none of us knew what to say. The thing that I was afraid the most was starting to happen and I hated that.

"Lee Soojin," I called her and she looked up. "I already asked Mika but she told me that the things there are yours. Do you mind if I use the studio?"

"No, please! Everything there is yours now. Just use it whenever you want but make sure you leave all the settings as I had them before when you finish. I wrote all of it down on a post-it on the table," she told me. "Do you like composing and producing?"

"Yes... I do..." I said remembering <Dalla Dalla> and <Want it?>. "If you don't mind, I will go to my room now to set everything in place and all."

"Yes, sure. Don't worry about it," Leah told me. "We are going out with some of the Stray Kids boys later for dinner if you want to come."

"I'm on a diet, sorry," I told them patting my stomach. "I will join you another time."

"Don't worry about it," Mika assured me. 

I then left to my room and tidied everything up as well as placed my electric guitar and bass beside the couch so I could play them whenever I pleased.

I actually was on a diet but that wasn't the reason why I didn't join the girls for dinner. Among the Stray Kids boys was Woojin, whom I had already met while we both were in SM Entertainment training. We were really good friends even though there was a clear language barrier between us and we were really close, but he suddenly left without saying a thing and changing his phone number.

I thought he was angry at me since he had done that, so I was very nervous about seeing him after so many years. I was very happy about how successful he had become and how well things were turning for him and wanted to see him really badly to ask him why he never contacted me but I just didn't have the courage to do it.


At about nine in the evening, a few hours after the girls had left, I was in my room jamming to <I love you, Will you marry me> by Yungblud using the electric drums I had brough to the dorm. With my stuff added to Soojin and Lin's we basically had every instrument needed to produce anything from rap, to pop, to rock.

"Soojin, you are flipping deaf!" I heard a male voice say, startling me. "Oh, you are not Soojin, sorry."

After picking up the drumsticks I had dropped due to the jumpscare, I turned and saw Han Jisung by the door, so I quickly stood up and bowed to greet him.

"Hello, I'm Wu Alix," I introduced myself.

"You have a funny accent," he told me with a warm smile. "Nice to meet you, I'm Han Jisung. The girls told us you would be joining them but I had no clue who you were. Did you train for long in JYP? I don't think I've ever seen you around the building."

"No, I just joined last year," I told him. "I was a trainee under SM Entertainment before."

"Oh, I see," he said and sat down on the couch right behind the drumkit. "Please, continue playing. It sounded really nice!"

"No, don't worry," I said standing up and folding the drumkit. "I was going to play that and stop. It's too late to play the music that loud. We have neighbours and all."

"Yes, that's true," he said and patted the empty spot beside him on the couch telling me to sit down. "I want to hear about you! If you are going to join ResQ then you are officially going to become like our sister so we need to know all about you!"

"There's nothing interesting, really. My life is just a series of misfortunes," I said sitting down but pretty far away from him.

"Don't say that!" He said moving so he was closer to me. "You said you were training in SM. For how long? Why did you leave?"

"I trained in SM for a little under eight years. I left because basically all of my friends there had either left or debuted in that time period and you already know the issues SM has with its Chinese idols and trainees..." I confessed. 

"Wait, then you must know Woojin!" He exclaimed with a smile. "He trained in SM too and the dates match!"

I didn't answer him but, just by my expression, he guessed something was off and toned down his excitement immediately, instead becoming worried and concerned.

"Did you fight or something? Were you friends?" he asked me.

"We... we were friends back in the day," I answered.

"Then what happened?" 

"He just left the company and never contacted me after that," I told him and stood up. "Please, let's drop the subject. My failed friendships aren't a good topic for me."

"All of your friendships can't possibly have failed," he told me with a chuckle.

"No?" I told him and let out a short laugh. "NCT? Debuted. WayV? Left to China to debut. Woojin? Left the company. And then we also have the case with ITZY."

"Itzy? What about them?" He asked me confused again.

"I knew Lia from SM so she introduced me to the other girls when I joined the company. At first, I was set to debut with ITZY and even created some songs and dances for the album but, well, clearly that didn't end up being the case. Now I'm not in the group but the group is singing and dancing to my songs."

"Woah..." was the only thing he could answer. "You really are something."

"I told you already: my life is a series of misfortunes," I said sitting back down.

"Well, I don't have any plans of leaving the company or changing my phone and I have already debuted so, if you are willing, I would like to get to know you more. You are a really interesting person," he said and placed his hand out for me to shake. "What do you say? Friends?"

I couldn't believe how straight-forward he was with things but part of it really impressed me and made me want to agree with him immediately, so I just went along with it and shook his hand.

"Hello, new friend," he said with a warm smile. "Now, why don't you show me some of your songs? I'm very curious."

Stay - Stray Kids Han Jisung FF (RESQ SAGA PART 3)Where stories live. Discover now