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"Although you may already know why we are all gathered here, you may not know that we are hoping that all seven of you can complete the task together," I told them. "Dong Sicheng will have to jump last, sorry."

Winwin then started getting even more nervous. I knew that he was really afraid of heights, something that we both had in common.

"You can pair up if you want to," I told them.

"We are six so we can go in pairs," Yangyang told them.

They then decided to use rock-paper-scissors to decide the pairs, so Yangyang and Ten ended up as a pair followed by XiaoJun and Kun and Hendery and Lucas.

As they all did that, Winwin was stressing out even more, so I approached him and pat his back jokingly as I chuckled.

"Don't laugh at me! If you were in my situation you wouldn't be any better," he remarked. 

Kun and XiaoJun were the first two to go, so we all encouraged them before approaching the railing to see them from there.

"It's weird seeing you in person," Yangyang pointed out as we waited. "I've only seen you through a screen."

"At last we've met you, though!" Hendery said. "Winwin normally doesn't talk a lot but he just won't shut up if you come up in a conversation."

"Hendery!" Winwin scolded him, making the boys laugh.

"So you won't stop talking about me? How cute!" I joked and pinched his cheek. "I'm really glad to meet all of you too. It is very weird that I know you all fairly well but I haven't even met you once."

"Yes, yes. You are all glad to meet each other. We get that," Winwin said interrupting us. "Can we please not ignore the fact that we are jumping from a platform that's fifty-five metres tall? Thank you."

"But it's ok, we all have friends helping to split the roles," Yangyang said to bother him, obviously succeeding.

"My friend... Where is my guardian angel?" Winwin muttered.

"You don't have one," Ten spat out.

"If that was the way we were going to see each other after such long time, I think I could have waited a bit longer," Winwin told me. "Why?!"

"Oh, come on!" I exclaimed. "If you want to, I can just leave."

"No, if anything he should be leaving! We want you here!" Hendery joked.

Finally, XiaoJun and Kun reached the platform and got ready, so we all turned our attention towards them. That obviously was making Winwin even more nervous as he even got afraid just by watching them. When they both jumped, he even screamed himself even if he wasn't the one jumping yet.

"It's so romantic all of a sudden," Yangyang said once Kun and XiaoJun were just hanging upside-down hugging each other while waiting for the boat to pick them up.

"Right! There's suddenly a romantic feeling," Winwin agreed.

"The XiaoJun and Kun ship is sailing, everyone!" I said looking towards the camera. 


After Ten and Yangyang jumped, Hendery and Lucas had to leave too, leaving Winwin and I alone.

"They all left..." Winwin said. "Suddenly they are all gone..."

"Your time is approaching!" I told him with a smile. 

"Doing it alone is especially scary. There are no members here. I'm especially scared," he said, his legs trembling from fear. "Actually, it's still okay; I'm not scared. I can do it."

He then began humming a song, which had me laughing. He really was acting very funny and I couldn't help but feel bad for him.

"Are you okay?"

"Actually no. I'm not," he admitted. "Why do I have to jump?!"

I then had an idea that I would probably regret and quickly approached one of the directors there.

"Would there be a problem if I jumped with him?" I asked her.

She then looked at me shocked and didn't know what to answer for a second. As she didn't say anything I thought I had screwed it up already and wanted the earth to suck me whole but she then suddenly nodded.

"I don't see why not. It can be... interesting," she said.

Thanking her, I then approached Winwin and tapped his back.

"Still scared?" I asked him.

"More scared than before, even," he answered. "They are all doing it in pairs but I have to do it alone when I'm the one afraid of heights."

"Well. I can maybe do something  about that..." I said confusing him. "Would you want me to jump with you?"

"Are you serious?" he asked me and I nodded. "You are afraid of heights too, Alix. How helpful can that actually be?"

"If you don't want to, then I won't insist!" I said raising my eyebrows.

"No! Wait!" he said grabbing my arm. "Please?"

Chuckling, I lightly pushed him so we both headed to the platform to jump. I wasn't particularly thrilled by the idea but I just couldn't let him jump on his own because I knew he was scared for his life. To be honest, I wasn't any better but I had always been better at concealing my emotions. He knew me too well, though, and could see through my strong façade.

"I know you are scared for your life. You don't have to deny it," he told me.

"I knew I would regret it but I didn't know it would be so soon," I said looking down to the river. "I get one needs to overcome their fears, but this is plain shock therapy."

"See? I told you you wouldn't be any better!" he said chuckling.

"But it's making you relax, isn't it?" I pointed out. 

The cameraman then just went first to the platform while we both took our time. They weren't recording us, so we both used the opportunity.

"I'm glad you are here," Sicheng told me. "You look beautiful, Alix."

"Thank you," I said blushing. "I need to talk to you later about all that happened, so I was hoping we could maybe go out for dinner tonight."

"Sure. I know the perfect place," he told me with a smile. "Thank you, Alix."

"Why now?" I asked him confused.

"For keeping in touch, coming back and for being yourself," he told me. "Don't think I haven't noticed your very healthy weight gain as well as your new aura. I can tell you are finally starting to be happy. I'm sorry I wasn't there for you."

"You were there for me, Sicheng. Maybe not physically, but you have always been there for me. You were the first person in this world who made me feel beautiful and that's something that I won't ever forget," I told him. "Let's now get over our fears together, should we? There's no way we can chicken out now!"

"Let's go!" he said and we all walked faster to reach the platform.

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