RW: Chapter 6

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I exited the bathroom, but Gillen left.
Honestly, I was disappointed.
I felt like he was the only sane person in this madhouse.
I was bored, so I decided to look around in the mansion.

A room caught my attention. It looked abandoned, as if no one wanted to go in there. So I wrapped my hand around the handle and opened it.

It was a library. A messy, abandoned and dusty library.
I coughed, before taking a look and browsing through the books.

There were various books written in English and Italian, a lot of different genres... It was a shame that they were just here, abandoned.

And I suddenly tripped over something, landing on the floor face first.
I cursed and got up, dusting off my clothes.
The object I tripped over was a old box.
The box was labeled with 'Burn it'.

Curious, I looked at the contents.
Inside were old, dusty photo albums.
It felt a little wrong to dig around in their memories, but my curiosity took over.

I took one out and opened it.
The first page showed a picture of the two brothers and another man, whose face was ruled out with a marker.
Flavio had brown hair and smiled.
Luciano was scowling.
I couldn't really tell who the third man is, but I assumed it was their father.

Flipping to the next page, I found a cute picture of Luciano glaring at the person who took the picture.

And I found one which was torn in two pieces.
One half showed a beaten Flavio holding a sword, the other the back of Luciano's head.

I quickly looked at the next page, trying to get the torn picture out of my head.
I could imagine why Luciano wanted to get rid of these memories.
They were painful.

I found more family pictures of Luciano and Flavio, and their (grand) father whose face was always painted over by Luciano.

I was done looking at all of the pictures and I shut the book.

And all of a sudden, I felt lonely. Of course, I refused to go out and do something, but now it feels like everyone has left me.

I had quite a lot of friends, but as I said before, we lost contact.

Arthur had to move to London after the prom.
Lovino and Feliciano got a offer for a great job, so they also had to move.
Kiku was always busy.
I also lost contact with Antonio, Francis and Gilbert.
Elizabeta, Bella and Natalia were also busy (Natalia was busy with trying to get Ivan to marry her).
I didn't call Matthew for a long time.
And... Alfred...

Yeah, I was kidnapped. Alfred was the last one I was able to see, but I was worried. Worried about him going away, like the others did.

I started to feel guilty. Guilty because I didn't try to run away.

I hoped that someone will try to find me.
Alfred might try, but he doesn't know who kidnapped me, so...

It's useless.

Maybe fate wants me to be lonely.

I sighed and put the book and the box back where I found it.

Actually, I don't understand why Luciano would kidnap me. I'm just... a normal girl, right?
He's probably a mafia boss, I guess.
So why? I can't understand.

Am I a pawn? Did he confuse me with someone else? Do I have magic powers?

I hope that I won't fuck up.

But I always fucked up, so it doesn't matter.

Then I bumped into someone.
Well, this certain someone started to cuss in Italian, so it wasn't hard to tell who he was.

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