Chapter 8

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Emily's POV

“Is that? No way! It can’t be real!” Haley shouts, jumping off the couch and rushing to her purse to grab her phone. She scrolls through her twitter, finding the post. “Holy crap! Zayn Malik tweeted you!” she screams. I let out a laugh watching her flip out.

“You know who they are?” I say with a laugh, surprised by the degree of her outburst. I hadn’t known much about them until this past week so the fact she did surprised me. Her face instantly turns crimson and without a word she grabs my laptop and pulls up Tumblr, signing in.

“Holy shit” I comment, my eyes widening as her dash loads and it’s full of pictures of them.

“Yea…” she says sheepishly. “I saw their pictures on here a couple months ago… one thing led to another and…” she trails off with an embarrassed smile.

“And you didn’t think to let me know hot guys like this existed?” I ask jokingly, glancing over at her before returning my eyes to the computer screen.

“I thought you’d laugh,” she admits. So my best friend was a closet Directioner. No wonder she’d been so excited about the X Factor. It was how the boy’s had gotten their start.

“Well don’t worry, I spent most of my down time at boot camp watching the video diaries and interviews’ I say with a chuckle.

“Yes!” she cheers. “Now I’ll finally have someone to fan girl to instead of keeping it all inside!” she laughs. “Oh just one thing” she says, going serious. “Carrot jokes are old and if you ever start shipping Larry as anything more than a bromance, I’ll slap you. It’s ruining his and Eleanor’s relationship.” My eyebrows raise and I immediately nod my head, slightly intimidated by her expression. ”Good” she says, the smile returning to her face. I glance over at Hannah who was watching the whole conversation with an amused expression.

“I told you they were addictive,” she says with a grin. I laugh, nodding my head before turning back to Haley who looked like she was about to die.

“Oh my god I just realized something,” she whispers. I raise an eyebrow, watching her. “When you win the X Factor and get super famous you’ll be able to meet them. Then you can introduce me and that’s how I’ll meet Niall and he’ll think I’m charming and fall in love and then we’ll move in together and get married and have babies…” she says, her voice progressively getting faster and higher pitched. “Oh my god. I love you so much!” she yells grabbing my arm. I let out a laugh at her eccentric fangirling.

“Calm down” I say, laughing at how she’s almost vibrating with excitement. “I haven’t made it yet”

“Wow” I say, coming to a stop as I stare at the house in front of me. “Your house is huge” Carmen glances back at me as she helps Hannah carry in her stuff and shrugs.

“I guess,” she says looking up at her house briefly before dragging the suitcase inside. I drag my suitcase in after her, admiring the inside of her house. I smile slightly seeing a family portrait over the fireplace. She leads us upstairs and we pass by a few closed doors before hitting the end of the hallway. “Em, this is your room,” she says opening the door on the right. “And Hannah, yours is right across the hall” she says opening the door across from mine. I drop my stuff off in my room and then head back into Hannah’s where she was carefully placing her clothes in a drawer while Carmen laid sprawled out on the bed.

“So what do your parents do exactly?” I ask looking around the room. Carmen looks over and props herself up on her elbows.

“My mom works in cancer research and my dad is a surgeon,” she replies.

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