Chapter 16

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 “Time to get up! Elimination round today!” a voice sing-songs, and I groan rolling over, burying my face in my pillow.

“Nuh uh. Not this time” the person continues, and I feel the pillow slide out from under me. I force my eyes open and glare sleepily at the annoyingly perky Carmen in front of me. “So how was last night,” Carmen asks, her grin widening suggestively. “You and Chris seemed pretty cozy when we got back”

“What are you talking about?” I mumble as I sit up and run a hand through my tangled mess of hair, my voice raspy from sleep. I force myself up and head to the bathroom as I start getting ready.

“You were clinging to him like a shipwrecked person clings to a life raft”

I choke on my toothbrush, turning to look at her smirking at me.

“I was not,” I protest after I spit out the toothpaste.

“Yea whatever, I’m hungry, lets go get breakfast,” she says rolling her eyes. The three of us head down to the kitchen where a couple other contestants were already gathered. I see Nathan by the toaster and head over, grabbing the toast as soon as it jumps up, taking a bite before he could get it.

“Morning” I say through a mouthful of food as he glares at me, putting another piece of bread in.

“I get a plate with some fruit and a hardboiled egg and sit down at the table. I start peeling the egg as Hannah and Carmen sit on either side of me, the boys surrounding us.

“So I heard you and Chris slept together last night,” Lilly says, plopping down in an open seat near me. My eyes bulge as everyone but Chris bursts out into laughter. Chris accidentally inhaled some eggs and had broken into a coughing fit trying to expel the food particles from his lungs.

“Wha? No! We didn’t!” I blubber as Nathan smacks Chris on the back trying to help him through his coughing fit.

“I might have exaggerated a teensie bit,” Carmen admits with a cheeky grin.

“I’m going to kill you” I growl at her before turning to Lilly. “We were watching a movie and I fell asleep that’s it,” I say wishing my cheeks weren’t matching the apple on my plate.

“Yea sure babe, we all know the truth,” Nathan says jokingly with a wink earning a glare from Chris.

“Well as great as this conversation is” I say standing up “I think I’m going to go” I finish, taking a bite of the boiled egg and grabbing my apple for later. The others protest, apologizing for the conversation, but I ignore it as I head back up to our room. It wasn’t that I was mad, it was just too early to fill my embarrassment quota of the day.

 I sign onto twitter, and send out a tweet reminding people to vote before heading to my DM’s. A smile splits my face as I see a reply from Zayn.

It gets even busier. Soon you’ll have premiers and events you’ll have to go to also. But it was incredible. Bring a camera with you to remember everything. Good luck with elimination tonight. If I was in the US, I’d be voting for you. xx

I smile to myself as I read his reply. I felt a rush reading his reply, my heart pounding erratically. It was crazy to think that someone who I’d spent the entire boot camp watching on my computer was tweeting me. ‘I really need to get over this fan girl thing’, I scold myself. If we do well in this competition, we’ll be meeting tons of celebrities, we might even become one. I can’t react like this in front of them all.

I wish you were in the US then haha. And the camera thing is a good idea. I’ll definitely remember to pack it from now on. So what have you been up to?

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