Chapter 4: Effects Of The Love Potion

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It was a normal day in the castle when as Harry was rushing down the corridor he bumped into a familiar man, silver eyes and blond hair. Malfoy.
"Hello Harry," he said.
"Hi." And before he could say Quidditch, Draco had pinned him against the wall.
As if reading Harry's facial expression, he quickly said in a raspy tone, "No ones around." And came down on Harry's lips-

He bolted up, and pushed his glasses on his face. His breathing was out of control so he opened a window.
"You alright mate?" Someone said behind Harry. Ron. He turned and saw he was already dressed, "You just missed breakfast, but I brought back some food if you want it."
"No thanks, Ron." Harry quickly dismissed, then resumed to staring out the window.

Harry spent his first, free period with Hermione in the library. They were trying to find a way he could stop these nightmares of the battle, but nothing seemed to be happening yet.
"Hermione," Harry began, "if I tell you something do you promise you won't tell anyone?"
"What is it?" She smiled back, and Harry didn't feel so nervous about telling her.
"Last night, I didn't have a nightmare about the battle, but instead a dream I'm still not sure about." He fiddled with his thumbs, trying to avoid eye contact.
"Was it a bad dream?"
"I don't know."
She chuckled "How can you not know, did it scare you?"
"Kind of? But no it didn't," he explained, and Hermione started to think carefully.
"What happened in your dream?"
"Well I was in Hogwarts, everything was fine, then I crashed into a student and they pinned me against the wall and-" he paused, unsure of whether he should go on.
"-kissed me..."
Hermione's face lit up, and she seemed to almost glow. Like usual, Harry was clueless as to why, "Who was the student?"
Harry's heart missed a beat, the boy from his dreams  entered the library and sat a few seats away from them. Harry was unable to peel his eyes away as Malfoy got on with whatever he was doing.
Hermione waved a hand in front of Harry's face, trying to get his attention, "Harry?"
"Yes, yes what were you saying?" He said trying and failing to cover up the fact he was staring at someone.
"Who was in your dream?" She pushed further, Harry desperately wanted to just go and sit with Malfoy, why did he want to do that?
"You can't be mad, I mean it was just a dream I had no control," Harry panicked, and Hermione's hand gently brushed over his to reassure him.
"Why would I be mad? It wasn't me was it?" She chuckled.
He sighed, and decided it would be better to just get it over with, as there was no going back now, "Yeah you see, that's the problem, it wasn't you or any of the girls at this school."
He waited for it, for the disappointment. He sat their feeling the sting of Hermione's eyes drill into him whilst he waited for her to call him names and never speak to him again.
But what she said next was a bit of a shock to Harry, "Then what guy was it?"
He looked up, and saw her smile bright as ever, still holding his hand. As he looked up, he caught a glimpse of Malfoy again, and was suddenly fixated on him, his cheeks suddenly felt warm.
Hermione caught on and whipped her head around to see who Harry was staring at. When she saw the pale boy with the Slytherin uniform, she tensed up.
"Harry, are you saying-"
"Malfoy, it was him in the dream." He blurted out quietly, and Hermione suddenly looked a little too excited.
"Oh my goodness, I knew it!" She jumped up, and a few Ravenclaws looked over to see a thrilled Hermione. Harry glanced over to see if Draco had seen, but thankfully he was still busy with his work.
"It doesn't mean I like him, does it?" Harry asked anxiously, he knew the answer but refused to admit it.
"Of course it does! Was it second year? I bet it was," she mumbled to herself, pacing around.
Harry got up and tried to hold her in one spot, "What was?"
"When you started to fall for him!" She jumped, and drew even more attention to them both. Harry quickly decided it was best if they left.

Herbology was next, and Harry was rather excited. He would be attending the class with Malfoy meaning he had someone to admire whilst Professor Sprout rambled on about plants.
As he entered the class with Ron and Hermione, Draco also walked in. Hermione elbowed Harry in the ribs, and he looked up to meet eyes with him.
Dean and Seamus wandered in, whispering to each other and glancing at Harry.
"See, they are being suspicious." Harry pointed out, and they walked straight over to him.
"Feeling ok Harry?" Seamus asked politely.
"Great, Thanks," he replied puzzled.
Before he could think too much about it, the Professor stumbled into the classroom, "hello class, today is going to be a laid back kind of lesson. We will be harvesting some herbs and potting some new plants. I'll put you in groups of 4." Professor Sprout began pairing people together, Harry zoned out until he heard his last name, "Potter, you'll be with Granger, Weasley and Malfoy."
Harry lit up, then noticed people staring and hid behind Hermione and Ron, who were making their way to Draco.
"This will be interesting..." He laughed with Pansy. She skipped off to be grouped, and Draco dropped his act.
"Hello Malfoy," Hermione said, smiling back and forth between him and Harry.
"What do you want?" He spat, and Ron almost jumped to the rescue.
"Sod off." He put his hands on his girlfriends shoulders and guided her to a plant.
"So," Draco started, and Harry's attention was suddenly all on him, his eyes, that small smirk he did, the way he stood. "What was Granger on about then?"
"Uhh- nothing," He answered, and pulled on a pair of gloves to begin picking at a plant.
"Listen, the other day, what I said was true I want to be better, just give me some time and you will see," he explained.
"I'll be the judge of that," Harry made clear, and pulled a plant out one pot, and put it into another.

"Dean, don't you feel bad? I mean giving that potion to Potter without telling him," Seamus said, carrying a plant pot bigger than him.
"Of course, but he won't find out. Have you seen him acting strange around any girls yet?" Dean asked.
"No, the only strange thing he's done today is talk to Malfoy without strangling him!" Seamus carefully dropped the pot onto the table and wiped the sweat from his head.
Dean paused to look at Harry, he seemed to be getting on with Draco Malfoy just like Seamus had said, as if there had never been any sort of rivalry, but instead a friendship. (or more...)

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