Chapter 20: 'That' Step

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They shortly arrived at their common room, Harry looked over at Draco, smiled and squeezed his hand gentle letting him know he would always be there for him.
"I love you," Harry said.
"I love you too." He leaned in, and they kissed. Draco's first intention was for it to be slow and quick, but that wasn't the case. Instead, they wrapped their arms around each other's necks and pushed against each other to be closer. It escalated instantly, as Draco pushed Harry against the wall and they began to move passionately against each other. Their lips tasted amazing against each other, they fit like a jigsaw. Harry's hands gravitated towards Draco's shirt buttons, his fingers crept underneath, cold skin against Draco.
Eventually the shirt made its way off, then his hands moved to his belt, undoing it slowly to enjoy the moment.
Harry deepened the kiss, his tongue slid inside Draco's mouth, wrestling for dominance. Draco won.
The moment was bliss to both boys, little did they know it wouldn't last long...
A cough sounded from behind them, they froze, Harry looked over Draco's shoulder to see sheets of ginger hair falling over a freckled face. Ginny Weasley stood in the doorway with her jaw to the floor. Her usual bright eyes now shocked, like she had seen something that couldn't be explained.

"H-Harry...?" She asked, her voice was shaking, and her hand reached up to cover her mouth.
"Ok why does this keep happening? Whenever we are about to have a moment someone comes in to ruin it I'm not having it anymore!" Draco shouted, he grabbed his shirt from the floor and put it on, then did up his belt, staring at Ginny with evil eyes.
"W-what is going on?" She walked closer to Harry, making Draco step to the side.
At that moment, Harry remembered something. Ginny hadn't received one of the letters and Draco and Harry. She wasn't in the Hall at all. She was clueless.
"Oh uhh... just read this,"- he shoved the letter into her hands. She gave him a confused look, before scanning her eyes over the message written.
"Oh..." her voice had steadied and she was no longer shocked, "I guess this explains some things."
"Do you mind?" Harry asked wearily.
"Of course I don't!" She swung her arms around him, then pulled Draco into it as well. She let go so she could breathe, and a big smile was plastered onto her face, "I'm sorry I walked in on a special moment, I'll leave you two alone for a while." She cheerfully left, and Harry almost burst into laughter from how ridiculous today was, and it wasn't even lunch time.

McGonagall showed up not too long after Ginny, letting them now they could have another free timetable day to recover from all the hate thrown their way, she also congratulated them.
They had spent the day playing wizards chess, Harry taught Draco some muggle games like cards and guess who.
"You know I love you right?" Draco said out of the blue.
"I love you too." He smiled, and put down his next card.
"No, like I really love you, with every inch of my soul." Draco put down his hand of cards and crawled towards Harry. Harry giggled and lent in to kiss him. After a short moment they broke away.
Draco had been wanting to ask a question for a very long time... "Harry?"
"I was wondering -god this is why I never did relationships- I was wondering when we were going to take the... next... step," He blurted out, Harry couldn't help but smile more.
"You mean 'that' step?" He hinted, Draco nodded and Harry knew exactly what he was getting at, "whenever you are comfortable."
"You see, I'm comfortable now, I have been for a while but I didn't know if you were or not."
"Are you kidding? Of course I am! Come here," Harry gestured for Draco to kiss him again, this time more passionately, with tongue.
It didn't take long before Draco was ripping off his and Harry's clothes, "wait," he said, breaking away and stopped for air.
"W-what?" Harry panicked.
"We should move to my room." Draco stood up holding Harry's hands and kissed him again, dragging him into his bedroom.
They spun around, and Harry fell backwards onto Dracos bed, his shirt had now completely come off and so had Dracos, he was now unbuckling his belt like earlier.
Harry was hoping no one decided to walk in now, otherwise he was going to throw a fit.
They moved against each other in a rhythm, it was fast and hot and made them run out of breath quickly. Before they new it, their trousers had also made their way onto Dracos floor and they got under the covers.

Morning came quicker than Harry would have liked, he woke up in Dracos arms, wearing no clothes at all and red in the face. Last night was a blessing to him. A gift he had always wished for but only now came true. Harry thought of it like a puzzle. Harry was one piece, Draco was another piece, Harry had spent too much time trying to fit the wrong puzzle pieces into his space, but tried with Draco and soon saw it was the perfect fit. Harry had found his puzzle piece. He couldn't have been happier.
~~~ thanks for 100 votes 😆 also I've started writing a new story but won't be published until this one is finished.~~~

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