Chapter 13: Rumours

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Rumours had been spread around the school of Draco dating a guy, and some of Draco just being gay. He felt his life crumble away as he walked to each class with a heavy glare of eyes burning into him. Who told them? Who started these rumours? I'm going to fucking- he gathered his thoughts as he reached his classroom.

Draco had zero classes with Harry, and that meant he had to deal with everyone alone, Pansy and Blaise were in the classes but they weren't as great as the company of Harry.
"Mr Malfoy?" Professor McGonagall said, catching his attention, "Are you still with us?"
"Y-Yeah, sorry," he quickly apologised, to everyone's surprise, and looked down at his work.

Harry was dreading his date with Ginny today. He wanted to say no, especially as Draco was listening in threw his door. He had only said yes because he remembered what Ron had said once to Harry in class. "If you want Ginny off your case, date her for a bit, then let her down gently."
He wanted to break down again, it was like everything in the world was trying to stop them from spending time together, even though this was only one thing...
He got out the outfit for the date and laid it down on his bed. Ginny had told him to bunk second period so they could spend time together without students and teachers peeking in. That scared Harry, as that meant Ginny wanted no one to see what they were up to.

Second period rolled around quicker than Harry had wanted, he spend the hour before pacing around and thinking of what to do in what situations. Shaking his thoughts out his head, he decided to now get dressed and sort out the untameable hair of his. He hadn't dressed how he would if it were Draco, with Ginny he would wear comfortable clothing, but with Draco he would wear suits or try and make his usual attire look more classy for the Slytherin boy. Although him and Draco hadn't gone on a date yet, he planned to ask when the whole Ginny situation was sorted out.
As he was attempting to brush his hair, a knock at his door sounded. Spinning quickly around to see who it was, his cheeks went bright red when he saw the pale blond leaning against the door frame and watching as Harry's hair started eating the brush.
"D-Draco, What are you doing? You have class!" Harry tried to shoo him out, he put his hands up and began walking backwards out the room, but stopped as his arms snaked around Harry's waist and spun him around.
"I wanted to wish you luck on your fake date," He answered, smoothing our Harry's t-shirt for him.
Harry's blush grew a little stronger, as Draco planted a small but passionate kiss on his lips, then broke away and skipped off to his room as he heard the voice of a small girl.
Harry's mind took time to catch up to what had just happened in the last minute, but as the girl with flaming red hair he was supposedly dating cheerfully entered the room, he tried to act calm and like he hadn't just been kissing his roommate, but Ginny could tell something was wrong.
"Harry? Is everything alright?" She said softly, he gave a small nod and she clung herself onto his arm, "good, because I've got the perfect location for our date..."

Draco sat in his and Harry's common room, his foot anxiously tapping as the time slowly past. He swore it was moving slower than usual. He was waiting for Harry's date to end, so they could spend time together instead of him and Ginny. Draco admitted to himself, he was very jealous. The last couple days he had realised he didn't just like Harry...

He loved him.

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