Chapter 7: Date

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Potions class came around, Harry had been hoping this class would be cancelled but clearly he didn't wish hard enough.
"Morning students, today we will be brewing this small little potion here, can anyone tell me what this is?" Professor Slughorn said, Hermione's hand shot right up. "Hermione?" He gestured to her.
She got up, and walked over to the potion, "this is Amortentia, a potion of love. It can't create love, but instead increase it. Whoever smells it will smell the person they are in love with."
"Very good, if everyone heads to their work stations and opens to page 227 they will see the directions."
Harry went to his station, and so did Draco with Pansy still on his arm.
Harry started brewing his potion, and so did Hermione, Ron had pretended to come down with a fever before class, Harry wished he had done the same when Slughorn came over to him, "ah Harry, now what do you smell from this potion?" He asked, and Harry's stomach dropped. Hermione, Dean, Seamus, Draco and Blaise all looked up to listen to his answer.
"Uhh, um- well I smell," what did he smell? He thought about it, there was something he could pick up on, "cinnamon?" Who smelt like cinnamon?
"Good, anything else?" Slughorn pushed.
"Wood," Harry was confused, who smelt like wood and cinnamon? "And apples."
He sat still, and stared into space, the smell going around and round in his head.
"Who smells like Wood, Cinnamon and Apples?" Hermione asked him, "is it-"
"No idea..." Harry avoided, and returned to his cauldron.
Draco glanced at Harry, and Harry half glanced back, they caught each other's eye and immediately looked the opposite direction.

Class had finished for Harry for the day, he decided to return to his dorm for the time. It was empty and cold, the fire still roared, but a chill filled the room as the rain got heavier and heavier.
Suddenly, the door opened and Draco entered. He seemed a little stressed as he threw his bag down and flopped onto the armchair he had claimed at some point.
"Everything ok?" Harry asked, sitting up.
"Pansy is just being annoying as always," he complained, rubbing his temples.
"I saw her clinging to you all day," Harry mentioned. Draco sighed, it was clear he wanted to be left alone for a while so Harry got up and headed for his room when something made him stop, "what is that cinnamon smell?"
"It's my body wash," he answered, and Harry's stomach tightened. Cinnamon. He went into his room and thought about it some more.

The school day ended, and Ginny headed to the quidditch match thankful that the rain had cleared up, she wouldn't have been happy if it ruined their date. Grabbing her broom, she decided to fly around a bit while she waited for Harry to arrive. She tied back her flaming hair and changed into quidditch uniform, she kicked off the ground and was in the air in a matter of seconds. She flew in between the posts, and around the stands for hours until she realised Harry still hadn't turned up. She landed, and ran into the castle trying to find Harry.

After a good 50 minutes, Harry got changed and went back into the shared common room. Draco walked in at the same time in changed clothes as well. They awkwardly both walked over to the sofa, and sat in a thick silence that felt like hours until Harry spoke, "wanna play wizards chess?"
"So I can beat your ass, you bet," Draco replied as he moved to sit opposite Harry.
He grabbed the board and set it up, as he looked to see the blond boy in front of him he saw his silver eyes watching Harry as he set each piece.
"What are you looking at?" Harry chuckled, making Draco just smile slightly.
"N-nothing, just make your move," he answered, for a moment Harry froze, make a move? "On the board..."
"Right," He relaxed and swallowed the knot in his throat then made his move, "Knight to E4."

It had been 4 hours, Ginny still didn't know where Harry was, she started to worry more than she already was.
Storming into the common room, she found Hermione and Ron going over school work in the corner, "guys where the hell is Harry!?"
"What?" Ron moaned, and threw his book down, making Hermione sigh.
"Harry isn't anywhere," Ginny boomed, folding her arms and going redder than her hair.
"Well let's go find him, he's probably in his dorm," Hermione said, grabbing Rons hand to help him up.

Walking through the corridors late at night was cold and dark, shadows moved along the walls and the sound of ghosts passing by was louder when there weren't any students talking.
"I believe this is it," Hermione gestured to a door she hadn't seen before.
Ron pushed the door open, yellow light poured into the hallway from the room. Without hesitation, Ginny burst into the room to find Harry laughing with someone and playing chess.
Harry stopped laughing as he noticed the small red head enter, "Ginny?"
At that the person Harry was playing chess with sat up, Ron and Hermione filed into the room, when they saw the other guy they were shocked.
"Malfoy?" They all said in unison.
The two roommates went rigid all over as they stood in the middle of their dorm room, Ron's jaw hit the floor.
"What is he doing here?" He said, stabbing a finger towards Draco.
"This is my dorm, why you are here I don't know," Draco bit back and Harry put himself between Ron and Malfoy to stop a fight breaking out.
"Harry, you never mentioned sharing a dorm with this dickhead," Ron argued, Hermione grabbed onto his arm to try and steady him, but Ginny still went crazy.
"You blew off our date to hang out with him!"
"Date?" Draco asked.
"Ok first I'm sorry I forgot, and second it wasn't exactly a date-" Harry said, but instantly regretted it after seeing Ginny's expression. She ran out, pushing past Ron and slamming the door behind her, "I mean, wait Ginny-"
Ron put his hand out to stop Harry from running out too, "just leave her." He left as well.
Now only Hermione, Draco and Harry stood in the chilly room in silence.
"So you didn't mention your roommate being him," Hermione said gesturing to Malfoy.
"Got a problem with that Mudblood?" Draco said, Harry shot him a look that could kill, "I mean, is there a problem Hermione?"
Her eyes went wide, "We're you just nice to me?"
Harry ushered her out to avoid a conversation that could take hours, "I'll see you tomorrow Hermione."
The door shut and Harry retreated back into the room, "Sorry about that." He sat down on the sofa opposite Draco.
"It's fine, but why didn't you tell me you had a date? We could have stopped playing-"
"It wasn't a date, I didn't want to go anyway."
"Why?" Draco moved closer to Harry.
"Ginny... kind of annoys me, she's always clinging to me and trying to kiss me when I make it clear I'm not interested."
"Sounds like Pansy and I." he looked down at the floor, "so you aren't interested in the Weaselette?"
"Her name is Ginny, and no she isn't my type," Harry replied.
"What is your type?" Draco said, and smiled the smile Harry loved. I mean, I don't love his smile, that's insane.
"Ummm," He stuttered. They both chuckled for a few seconds until Draco got up.
"I'm going to bed but I'll see you tomorrow," he said and walked into his room, looking back at Harry as he slipped into the green and silver room.
Harry stared into space thinking about Draco, his hair, his eyes and his delicate hands that brushed against the arm of the sofa as he stood up.
Deciding it was late, Harry headed for the bathroom to brush his teeth, when he noticed a green bottle in the shower. He picked it up and read the label: Green Apple Shampoo. Harry put it down, and fell back onto the toilet seat, realising where the apple smell from the Amortentia potion was coming from...

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