Chapter 2

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“Hi everyone,” Hong greeted cheerfully, introducing Yunlan to yet another group of her friends.

She talked with almost everyone in school already, and seemed to have made it her mission to find him some friends that he could really like; being a Sunday, Yunlan really wanted to relax slacking off at home, but she had dragged him along.

This time they sat at a table to eat with her friend Wang, her new boyfriend Sang, and a couple of other guys called Da Qing and Lin Jin.

Yunlan sat with them without great hopes, he knew how these things usually went: he would find them boring or vain or stupid, and probably ask her to stop trying to find him a group while he was doing perfectly on his own.

He expected them to talk about girls as if they were Casanova, or sports as if they were world champions, or even worse about their new flashy car for the whole duration of the meal, because that’s how these meetings usually went, so he was quite surprised when things didn’t go as he expected.

Wang started telling Hong how she met Sang while he looked adoringly at her, Da Qing started ordering food for a regiment while Jin talked of the new video-game he was playing recently.

When the food arrived and they started eating, the conversation at the table was something like this:

Wang: "He never said a word to me, then one day he presented me with this bracelet that he saw me looking at the day before, isn’t that sweet?"

Sang: (Smiling at Wang.)

Hong: "How romantic, I wish ‘someone’ was like that too."

Da Qing: "This fish is so good, we must come here again."

Jin: "You can also kill fish, but crabs are better, actually you get extra points if you join a party and kill the big crab called Ganglef."

Da Qing: "I like to eat crabs too, where do they prepare it?"

Sang: "What’s a ganglef?"

Wang: (Smiling at Sang.)

Hong: "I have a new lipstick that’s a sort of crab-colour, but I like the peach-colour more."

Da Qing: "I don’t like peaches so wherever you eat them I won’t come, I want to eat fish."

Jin: "I could make my own game one day, giant peaches with fangs would be fun."

Da Qing: "Ehi! don’t eat my fish!"

Hong: "I didn’t! I only took a little to taste it."

Jin: "You could use cutlery instead of swords... no that would be too weird."

Da Qing: "You’re what’s weird, if you’re not going to eat that I can help you."

Wang: "How generous."

Sang: (Laughing at her joke.)

Jin: "You’ll see, when my videogame will be a best-seller you’ll regret not listening to me."

Da Qing: "I would only regret wasting all that delicious fish."

Yunlan laughed despite himself. What kind of people were these guys? Hong looked at him with a growing smile while the others paid him no attention at all.

He couldn’t explain why, but he felt really comfortable with them, and he also found them very amusing.

Hong had a victory smile planted steadily on her face and he knew he was done for.

Wang looked at them and felt she had to do something to make her friend’s boyfriend like their company, so they could hang out together more often. She really enjoyed Hong’s friendship, but she knew that Yunlan had precedence over everyone else, so if she could get him to like them, she could see her more... she really wanted to start a conversation with him but the problem was that he hadn’t said a word yet and she had no idea what kind of guy he was, what could a guy like him like to talk about?

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