Chapter 15

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Yunlan lifted himself on his elbows and raised his head to touch Wei's lips with his own. So soft and delicious! He moved his lips on Wei's tentatively, feeling them, then he wanted to taste more so he licked them.

He liked the feeling, he liked it a lot. He kept moving his lips softly, his eyes half-open ever so careful to register the slightest protest from Shen Wei, but none came, so he lifted himself a little more to press his lips more firmly on his.

It felt so good, he had never known anything like this, his heart was filling up with feelings he couldn't yet name but who cares, not him, not now.

He didn't want to stop.

He abandoned his list of established facts he had needed to try and understand his feelings towards Shen Wei. He didn't need it anymore, he knew now that this was what he had always wanted since he first met him.

He had no doubts whatsoever anymore that he wanted all of Wei for him, his smiles, his entire soul, and his body.
He throughly licked his lips and felt an unknown thrill down his spine when Wei opened his mouth and moaned.

Wei was not in control of his thoughts and actions. Yunlan was kissing him?!?
It felt so good too, he had liked kissing Ren but Yunlan's lips where so good on his own that he wanted more of it; he opened his mouth and a moan escaped him, then his thoughts came suddenly back to him and he opened his eyes, that he hadn't even realised he had closed. What was happening? Was Yunlan playing with him? Adding him to his collection? Hong had said that he wasn’t a player, but then why? Could it possibly mean for Yunlan what it meant for him? He had never had casual stories, only a relationship with Ren and now... oh God, what was HE doing? He still had a boyfriend, he couldn't do this, what about...
"R...Ren" came out of his mouth.

Yunlan froze.

Yunlan broke the kiss and settled back down, not looking at him. Both their hearts were jumping out of their chests, and they couldn’t look at each other. After a while they both said: "I'm sorry..." then were silent again.

When the doctor came back they were relieved. The doctor checked his leg, the pain was less intense now and Yunlan could walk on his own.

They went back to their friends and for the rest of the day they avoided looking at each other.

Both Hong and Ren could sense that something was wrong, but were not ready to talk about it in front of the others.

For the following days, Hong went out alone with Jin and Da Qing. She had asked Yunlan what had happened, and at first he wouldn’t say anything but she insisted until he finally told her.
"I kissed him."

She tried to suppress her surprise and curiosity, but she thought that he needed to talk about it, so she tried a cautious, "And...?"

Yunlan was lying on his back, with an arm over his face.
"And, he has a boyfriend," he simply said.

Hong understood that it wasn’t the right time to ask more, she thought he needed some time alone and she was going to give it to him, but she also felt like she had to say something.

"You know Yunlan..."

He didn't move and for the first time in her life she felt uncomfortable talking to him. This was because she hadn't told him of her little conversations with Shen Wei, and now it weighed on her like a bigger secret than it really was.

She continued.
"You know, our little game, when we pretended to be dating, and the times we talked about it in school so people would hear us..."

Still no response from him, so she went on.

"It was all fake, we dating, you cheating, just a stupid game and we laughed about it but... have you ever thought that maybe people who heard us and believed us might now think that you..."

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