Chapter 13

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Nearing the end of the school year, it was time for the final exams, so everything else was left in the background while they all focused on their studies.

Yunlan was glad for it, because it allowed him to put on hold all those thoughts that were threatening to drive him crazy. He didn’t allow time for anything else, he decided that if the others wanted to go out and have fun, he would study alone, and if they wanted to study together, then a day of study it would be, no distractions allowed.

Luckily Wei shared the same view, even brought it to a new level, because if anyone suggested going out or taking breaks, he would start lecturing them on the importance of one’s studies, making them feel a bit ashamed of themselves, rather regretful that they ever opened their mouths, and very determined to never bring ‘the lecturer’ out of Shen Wei again.

Yunlan was grateful for this because it allowed him to drop the pretence, no more ‘I’d like to but..’, there was no need for fake excuses, now all he needed to do when distractions were put forward was waiting for Shen Wei to hear about it, or threaten to tell him.

Simply mentioning what Shen Wei would say once he got to know about it, was enough to put a stop to it. Yunlan enjoyed it very much, he liked this aristocratic aura of superiority that accompanied Shen Wei, specially because he didn’t seem to realise it.

The more his Wei tried to be ‘common’, the more he failed, at least in his eyes.

The last weeks were dedicated to serious school activities, everything unrelated was banned; Da Qing was quite annoyed, Hong and Jin found it very stressful because they needed distractions to relieve stress, and so the three of them would often vanish from the room without anybody noticing - this is because they were very very careful not to distract anyone..

Sang never complained because he always took everything very seriously, and if he set out to do something he was even more determined than Yunlan.

Wang loved this even when she scolded him for it. She could be heard saying that he needed to be more flexible and enjoy a break from time to time, but then she smiled and studied with him, using the same book to be closer to each other.

Guo thought it was his duty to study seriously, but he felt very miserable because he considered himself rather dumb and exams were very high on his list of horrors.

Since Shen Wei didn’t need help at all, Ren took it upon himself to help the poor guy. Yunlan had not yet told anyone about discovering a piece of the Guo-puzzle, but Ren felt some kind of kinship with him, so the more Guo denigrated himself the more he scolded him, and when Guo felt hopeless, almost crying that he would never learn, Ren kept explaining everything again and again, until some of it would eventually stuck in Guo’s brain.

Ren never yelled, which was a good thing or Guo would have been terrified of him.

Although they still lowered their voices, they kept away from Yunlan and Wei so not to distract them; Yunlan caught a glimpse of Shen Wei smiling, looking at Ren with a mix of affection and pride, and he cursed himself for not having helped Guo first; his Wei was so good that he would probably like him better if he helped people, maybe he could become a doctor, or a policeman, protecting people from the bad guys... his brain conjured up a vivid image of himself as a brave knight in shining armor under Wei’s admiring eyes, when suddenly a voice startled him.
"Are you studying or spacing out?"

Wei had a severe look on his face, which brought Yunlan abruptly out of his day-dreaming state, then Wei imparted him a lesson on the importance of concentration, while Ren and Guo gave him pitiful looks.

The exams finally ended, and everyone was satisfied. Guo managed just enough to pass, but at least he didn’t fail.

Summer vacation brought many changes in their daily routine; not only they didn’t have to spend so many hours in school, but their number got drastically reduced: now that he had more time Guo worked more hours, Wang and Sang went on vacation together and Ren left to spend the summer with his parents and relatives.

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