Chapter 8

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When Yunlan got back to his friends, he was feeling confused and couldn't help stealing a glance at Shen Wei, but Wei wouldn't look at him and the others immediately showered him with questions he didn't want to answer. He really didn't feel like talking right now.

He pretended to feel sick and asked only Hong to go home with him. She grabbed her bag without a word, sensing something was off, and followed him.

As soon as they were out of earshot, she blurted out, "Shoot, why the sudden sickness?"

Yunlan's brain didn't even register her question. She looked at him, then punched his shoulder.
"You're ignoring me?"

"Ouch," he yelled, snapping out of his own thoughts. "Why did you hit me?"

"You're ignoring me. Haven't we always told each other everything? What's up with you now?"

"Nothing's up with me, I just want to be left alone, without all the guys asking a thousands questions!"

'But not all of them' he thought inwardly, 'maybe he doesn't care?'

There was only a short hesitation before she asked, with quiet, low voice, "Do you want to tell me how it went with that girl?"

He opened his mouth, emitted a strangled sound, then managed, "ayssh I don't know, she said she liked me and I refused her, that's all."

"You didn't tell her that we're still a couple, right?"

He rolled his eyes.
"No of course not, we agreed on that already."

"Then how did you... what did you say to her?"

Yunlan didn't want to talk about it, which upset him even more because they always told each other everything. He didn't like it himself, it didn't feel right to keep her out.

So he said it, "I told her... I told her that I liked someone else already, so I couldn't be her boyfriend."

He said it all in one breath, without looking at her.
He was still processing the whole thing in his mind, this new thought, this new longing for someone's company, a feeling unknown to him before.

Hong thought of the right words, then she just asked, "Is there?"


"Someone you like? Or you lied to refuse her politely?"

Yunlan felt like choking, until finally his voice came back.
"I don't know."

Hong had a thousand questions, truth was she was more curious than their friends, but she saw something strange in him and thought that maybe this was one of those times when she should just shut her mouth and let him take his time.

Of course Da Qing wouldn't just let it go like that, he wanted to know more about his encounter with that pretty girl, but by then Yunlan had had time to find himself again, so he replied in his usual voice, telling him everything that she said but changing the end of the story, pretending he told her that he had just 'regained his freedom' and didn't want to feel locked up again...
Wei didn't say anything.

Even if Yunlan often hang out with his new friends now, his school grades were safe since Wei had joined their group. When they got together to study, Wei never let them slack off until they had finished, and only then he allowed them time to chat.

Yunlan really enjoyed the company, now. He had always thought that he would do better on his own, with only Hong at his side, but now he wouldn't give it up for anything.

School was over for today and they were about to go to the mall when suddenly a guy approached them. "Wei?"

Shen Wei startled at that voice and looked at him, "Ren? What are you doing here?"

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