Soarin to the rainbow (soarindash)

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Rainbow Dash couldn't believe she was crying. Some pony as cool as her doesn't cry, it makes them look lame. But she couldn't help it. How could she not have gotten into the wonderbolts!? Of course lighting dust had to sign up for the wonderbolts reserve too, and of course lighting got into the wonderbolts. Rainbow dash was laying on a a cloud in cloudsdale. She didn't care if Anypony saw her crying a river. As long and the wonderbolts didn't see her, she didn't care

Of course with her luck, a light blue pegasus landed on the cloud beside her. Rainbow dash gulped and smiled at him, trying. To make it less obvious that she was crying. It was soarin from the wonderbolts. She was expecting him to burst out in pure laughter just from watching her cry over something so stupid, but by her surprise, he didn't. "A-are you okay?" He asked with concern in his voice. "What happened? I just saw you in the wonderbolts academy an' you seemed fine!"

Rainbow dash felt sick with embarrassment. "I uh... Er...I fell and... hit my head! yeah! that's what happened! heh... heh..." rainbow dash lied. She knew she was terrible at lying but it was worth a shot. maybe he was gullible for all she knew. She looked up at him but he was frowning. "Look, you don't have to lie. I know why you're crying, its ok, dash." he told her. "oh... um ok..." embarrassment flowed through her like a rapid river. She could feel her face go beet red and her heart felt like a drum doing a drumroll. "Dash, I can tell your embarrassed, but it's okay. Here, let me tell you something, When I went on the wonderbolts reserve, I didn't make it in the first time, I sat in sweet Apple acres shoving Apple pie in my mouth and crying non stop for a week." his face went a bit red. "it took me two tries to get into the wonderbolts, too. I also gained a couple pounds in the process, from all those pies."

Rainbow dash smiled a bit "okay, I don't fell stupid anymore!" she joked and shoved him. "I gotta go though.. see you around?" Rainbow asked "yeah for sure! Bye, Dash!" he replied.

Rainbow had a snug smile on her face. unaware of the fact that she started to have feelings for him.

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