Episode Thirty-Two: Welcome to Krispee Towne!

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(Start in Citrus Cave. The gang is walking together. ASH-LII is riding on ANNALISE.)

Daph-Nii-My mouth is feeling pretty dry, but I'm still gonna talk like I do.

Ash-Lii-Please don't do that to yourself, Daph-Nii.

Ella-There's juice all around us. You could just drink some of that.

Daisuke-I wouldn't do that if I were you. You never know what's in that stuff.

Daph-Nii-Y'know what, moisture time.

(She begins sucking her cheeks in and out. Everyone else winces in disgust.)

Ella-What...is that?

Daph-Nii-Building up spit. Don't you do that sometimes?


Daph-Nii-Look, my mouth is dry, and your fairy godmother is advising me not to drink from the copious amounts of juice all around us.

(The camera pans over to DAISUKE, who is drinking the juice from a cup with a straw. She notices DAPH-NII glaring at her and throws it over her shoulder.)

Daisuke-I just meant it wasn't suitable for non-fairies. I don't know how your delicate human constitutions would react to this stuff.

Daph-Nii-Constitutions? That has to do with digestion, doesn't it? Is that juice gonna make me shit?!

(They are stopped by eight apple jellies.)

Daph-Nii-It's more of these. If I were still a thief or a pop star, I could kill them all right now.

(She sighs as they all draw their weapons. Opening theme. ANNALISE walks up to DAPH-NII.)

Daph-Nii-But I still have the horse, so why am I complaining?

(ANNALISE snorts on the enemies, defeating Jellies D, E, and F.)

Daph-Nii-Yisss. I have all the attack power.

Ash-Lii-Let us dance!

(She performs a dance. All the apple jellies begin dancing except for B.)

Ella-And now it's time to whip the crrrrrrrrud out of them.

(She attacks Jelly H. Jelly B attacks DAPH-NII.)

Daph-Nii-What the hell is wrong with you?

Daisuke-Lots of things. Dancing Arrow!

(She fires a Dancing Arrow at Jelly B, defeating it.)

Daisuke-Killing off the sticklers one at a time!

Daph-Nii-Uh oh. I've run out of strategic places to drop a lightning. I guess I'll just drop a fire...

(She flings a fireball at Jelly H, defeating it.)

Daph-Nii-Toast. Yiit!

(ELLA attacks Jelly G.)

Ash-Lii-Shall we? Royal Slash!

(She slashes Jelly C, defeating it.)

Daph-Nii-See? I knew that would stick!

Ash-Lii-Ashatar: The Last Airbender!

(Jelly A prepares to attack.)

Daph-Nii-Ash-Lii, don't let your guard down. There's still two left!


(Jelly A attacks her.)


(Jelly G attacks DAPH-NII. DAISUKE attacks Jelly G, defeating it.)

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