Chapter One

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Authors note: Hello guys. This is my first fanfiction. I will try to upload as regularly as possible. Any feed back is appreciated. I hope you enjoy this story. (Sidenote: this isn't real. It's just fiction, hence the word fanfiction).

Grace's POV

I stretched and yawned as I slowly opened my eyes, fighting against the urge to simply go back to sleep.

"No," I tell my self, "I've got to meet Hannah for that MDK she wanted me to shoot with her." I rolled over to look at my phone,

"Shit!" It was 11:45, I was supposed to be at Hannah's for 11:30. She wanted to talk to me before we started shooting the video.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, FUCK!" I thought to myself. I rolled to the edge of my bed and swung me legs over the edge. I saw myself in the mirror - I looked a mess. I rushed into the bathroom to shower.

"Crap, I need to shave my legs, that's gonna add another 10 minutes to the morning" I whispered.

Hannah's POV

"Where the hell is she?!" It was midday and Grace was supposed to be here half an hour ago. I've text her and she hasn't replied. I hope she's on her way and didn't see the text because her phones in her bag and she couldn't hear it over the road noise. Yeah that makes sense. I have plans to make a banana bread thing for MDK but me and Grace were gonna grab some food from somewhere for lunch first.

"Fuck, I really need to talk to her soon, I have so much to tell her that she doesn't know."

Grace's POV

I grabbed my flip flops as I ran out the door. After all my feet won't be in the video and we are probably going to get McDonalds or something like that so it doesn't matter. As I jumped in my car I put my shoes on and drove. I really missed Hannah. We hadn't seen each other in a couple of weeks because we had been busy. Also, I really liked her. Like I like-liked her. Hannah and Mamrie were the only ones who new I was gay. Even my mum didn't know. (My brother Tim has always kinda had the idea I think but I've never formally told him.) Its not that I'm scared to tell my mum, I just don't think it's really relevant. I thought I was in love with Hannah so I just haven't really spoken to her (we texted a couple of times) because I thought I could talk myself out of liking her. The truth is; the more I'm away from her, the more I want her. And the stronger and more vivid the fantasies get.

Hannah's POV

"Yes!" I just saw Grace's car pull up outside my window! Grace wondered up casually to my front door, letting herself in. I stayed sitting on the sofa, trying to look cool.

"Just a bit late then!" I said sarcastically, "only one hour". She giggled.

"Sorry Hannah, I woke up and went to shower but needed to shave-", Grace started to say in a semi-apologetic semi-sarcastic tone.

"Shave your legs? You're such a dork, your wearing full length pants, why does it matter?!" I said playfully.

"I just fucking hate the feeling of hair on my legs" Grace smirked.

"Ahh, I guess you're right again Smellbig." I said, staring at Graces shining eyes. I really have to tell Grace how I feel about her, cause I think I love her.

Grace's POV

"So do you want to set up now and then get food or set up when we get back?" I asked the beauty that stood in front of me.

"Umm... Let's set up afterwards." She said sounding as if she had more to say.

"Okay." I said simply.

"Hey can we talk for a minute?" She asked. Thank god! She is gonna talk to me about her week or something and I can transition into how I feel about her! I just need to get it off my chest.

"Sure thing Han!" I smiled at her, realising that I had just taken a second to answer. Oops, I was lost in thought obviously.

"Okay, come sit down with me".


"Umm..." She mumbled cutely.

"Spit it out, dick head" I said playfully.

"Oh. Right. Ugh.." She stuttered.

"Hannah what are you so nervous about?! You've told me everything that you need to in the past two years without a problem. What's the matter?"

"Sorry" she said dismissively.

"I-I need to talk to you about something... I think I like someone."

"Okay who? You can tell me." I said trying not to show her how I was feeling. She liked someone else, shit. I love her, this is going to be tough.

"I l-like y-you Grace." She gasped, "Did I just say that out loud?!" Her eyes were wide in shock.

"It's okay" I hugged her tight.

"I'm sorry Grace." She sounded like she was going to cry.

"Why are you sorry?" I can't deal with her crying I would just want to kiss her so hard, I already do.

"Cause you probably hate me now and it's going to ruin our friendship" she sobbed.

"I don't hate you! In fact the opposite!"

"You still like me?" She asked, her eyes clearing up

"More than like you"

"What?" She was confused.

"I think I love you too." I smiled at her to let her know it was okay.

"Are you just playing with me?" She seemed worried about our friendship.

"No. I was stressed out last night about meeting up with you because I new I would just want to kiss you so I knew I had to tell you how I felt but you just made it a hell of a lot easier for me!" I said, watching her face light up.

"Really?!" She asked with more enthusiasm than I had ever seen. I nodded. We just stared into each others eyes and smirked. We do this a lot; the 'Who Can Keep From Laughing The Longest' competition, but it's never had this much feeling and lust attached to it.

Hannah's POV

We had been staring at each other for about a minute and I couldn't take it any longer. I burst out laughing and Grace laughed at me laughing.

"I'll go put my shoes on. Where do you want to go? I'll drive." I asked her.

"It sounds really boring and shit but I do fancy a Nandos."

"Okay then, to Nandos we go!" I said enthusiastically.

"You're a dork" she said as she passed me to the door.


Authors note: thanks for reading guys! Again, any feedback would help! Is this chapter too long? I don't know. I've already written the second chapter and I think it's a little longer than this one. Should I keep them short? Or go longer? Please help! Hope you enjoyed. Next chapter will be out soon. I'm sorry not much happened in this chapter but quite a bit happens in the next one. You'll have to wait and see!

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