When it rains, It pours

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Dabi's POV

As promised.. when eight hit the creep dragged me out onto thw streets.. god damn did I want to just flip that hair out of his face. It bothered me. What was so wrong with his face that he hid it so often?

Following along side the shorter male, messing with my thumbs and thinking quietly to myself, I found that tomura looked oddly ....

Tomura's POV

I was grinning, Yea, I was happy. And I didn't care if Dabi noticed. Walking ahead at quick pace I found myself starting to jog, and before I knew it the usual old abandoned public garage came into sight. But so did the rain above our heads. Calm rain for now. I didn't even mind that it was hitting my head, my face, and my neck embedding a small sting over my open cuts. No. I only cared about getting into the garage. And of course I did!

I stepped into the shelter of the garage, another male with long messy black hair stood before me, he had purple eyes and the same small smirk. I didn't mind his sly expression, I just wanted what I came for. And then I wanted sleep.

"You got the hitter this time?"

The male nodded in reply. Oh did I mention that he's a mute? I grinned more, ignoring Dabi's eyes aimed to my face as the hair moved away from my eyes

"oh good.. what are we waiting for? This is Dabi.. he wouldn't mind at all."

I felt my grin become crooked and too open, I didnt care. Why should I care?

The male gave a stern nod before reaching into the pocket to the right of his jeans, he pulled up three pills... drugs would hit your mind first, but these weren't ordinary.

he handed one to me and dabi, beaming a too perfect of a smile and then taking his without a drink. I put mine away into my pocket for later...other use.

Dabi had this weird look in his eyes, funky, concerned. I felt his eyes piercing into my soul at this moment. I snapped my head in his direction scoffing 

"stop staring at me! Its weird... Just- ugh.. let's go"

I walked out of the garage into the rain, it was pouring by now.. every drop freezing cold. I shivered, then I pulled out five of those same pills...

"I saved up on em, granted one each day. he said seven would kill a person painlessly, so that's my number goal."

Dabi cleared his throat, and frankly, quite loudly

"and why exactly are you needing a painless death for someone?"

I paused looking at dabi, the rain was coming down from under my eyes, it made it feel like I was crying.. or maybe my eyes had been watering truly, I wouldn't know because I was use to feeling a sting in my throat.

"Its for a suicide. Who, isn't your business"

Rain...Rain.. I turned away from him, ignoring the shock in his expression.

"wait- WHO is my business actually!- "

I listened to him shout, but all I did was walk away.

just like that voice in my head fading away, it didn't matter.

Stop it tenko!

Tomura, stop this insanity now.

Tomura! calm!

"Tomura dont ignore me!"

• • • ☀ • • •

SO yes there was a few delays, school is here and things are slower then usual, but I'm not taking hiatus from this story unless I get writing block, I shouldn't get writing block for a good while though- I actually like how I ended this qwq

Anyhow I don't have much to say here rather then, I hope you enjoyed this owo

A day in the rain[shigadabi]Where stories live. Discover now