As I have said, on many an occasion, your writing is absolutely incredible. Unlike most of the authors I've read, your writing affords me the ability to feel. I feel like I'm the other party in the book, I feel like I'm the one who's talking or being touched. It's incredible. I haven't read many stories in a second person narrative, and I wish there was more writing like yours. If there was, I think that type of narrative would become more popular, because YOU give it life. Thank you for sharing what you write with the world. I know my life would be drastically different without it.
Thank you for all you do---all my love!
Treat Birdie With Kindness
FanfictionTreating one of our favourite humans with all the kindness they deserve. Project 99 is an effort to show aprreciation to writers who deserve and need it. Check out our book "Project 99" for more details or visit our website