Kamisama Kiss Short Stories

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This Short story is called feed me ( Honestly don't Know if it will be short but We'll see...XD) Note: These stories will not have any questionable content, the only thing you'll find is kissing. That is all...


Tomoe was chopping mushrooms on a normal day ( Well not to normal, Since Tomoe was putting mushrooms in Nanami's school bento.) Yep, Something was wrong. What? Oh maybe it was because of the laughing, bubbily Familiar in the living room. The idiot who started it all... The idiot that shared a kiss with Tomoe's goddess. The fox grunted and started to cut herbs ( Accidently cutting his hand. ) Yep he was out of it today. Tomoe licked his hand and looked towards the door. Nanami was showing Mizuki the ropes and how-too's of the shrine. He hated that stupid snake. He hated his constant mocking and stupid hair cut. Tomoe put the knife down and sighed.

"And this way is the kitchen..." Nanami smiled.

        Tomoe turned around and looked at Nanami surprised. Why had she brought that idiot in here?

" Oh Hi Tomoe!" Nanami giggled.

Tomoe forced a smile, " Ah, Nanami! I am almost done with your Lunch!"

" Is that Shittake Mush-" Nanami cut off and let out a small gasp, " Tomoe your hand!"  The fox looked down at his still bleeding wound.

" Oh This? It is nothing, Only a Scratch really..." Before he could finish his long explanation ( and Probably boring one..) Nanami had his hand in hers patting the scratch...He tried to yank his hand away but she held fast.

" We need to wrap this tightly.."

" There is no need." Tomoe answered annoyed. She looked up with her striking brown eyes. They held concern and a small glint of anger.

" This is an order Tomoe, You need to wrap this up! " She grabbed a white bandage and started cleaning and fixing his wound, and all the while Mizuki was in the back-ground snarling. Tomoe smirked, Was he jealous? Maybe this day wasn't that bad after all....Suddenly pain, ( Actual Pain...) Shot through his hand. He looked down in shock as Nanami wrapped it Tightly... And he meant Tightly... So tight he couldn't clench his fist or even really move his fingers. He also couldn't take it off because Nanami had Ordered him to wrap it up. For some Reason, Tomoe felt panicked.....


 The broom fell aimlessly out of Tomoe hand and clattered on the ground " Crap" The kitsune muttered. He bent down and tried to pick it up. This was what? The fifth time he dropped it. His hand was hurting ( No, Not because of the cut... It was because of his goddesses care...)

" Well, Well, Well. Can't even hold a broom Tomoe?"

Tomoe snarled and turned around, " Well Isn't it the stupid Snake...Have you come to resign?"

" Ha, Very funny. We all know you should be the one to quit. I can take care of Nanami myself."

" You wouldn't know a goddess if she dated you..." Tomoe spat.

" Oh? Is that a challange?" Mizuki smirked.

" Stay away from Nanami! If you don't you will regret it..."

" I think your the one thats regretting it....Hows the hand?" Mizuki snickered and walked off.

Tomoe winced and sighed. That Idiot....

" Hey Tomoe! Could you come here?" Tomoe dropped the broom and walked into the shrine towards his goddesses call. He leaned against the door frame his tail flicking.

" Yes Nanami?"

" I ordered dinner tonight, So...She smiled, Sit down and dig in!" Tomoe grunted and walked towards the table. He plopped down and looked at Nanami.

" What About the Snake?"

" Hum? Oh He had to get the rest of his stuff, so he won't be enjoying dinner with us."

" Huh, Good..." Tomoe Muttered.

" What did you say Tomoe?"

" Hum? Oh nothing..."

 Tomoe picked up his chop sticks and opened the bento in front of him. Sadly the hand he always used to hold his chop-sticks with was bandaged. He placed them down and rested his head in his hands; looking slightly at Nanami. She chewed unaware that she had his attention. He watched her face expressions and smiled. She was kind of pretty...For a Human. She must of felt him staring at her because she looked up at him. Her eyes grew wide,

" Your not eating Tomoe?"

Tomoe adverted his gaze and winced. " I can't exactly eat..."

Her eyes dropped to his hand and she grunted. Suddenly she looked very determined...He looked at her at bit confused.

" Um...Nana- " She stood up walked to his side of the table, Picked up his chop-sticks and grabbed his chin. He felt his face instantly heat up as she forced some of the bento into his mouth... " Chew.." She Ordered. Tomoe's body betrayed him and he chewed the bento, swallowing. She smiled. The only thing was that... she didn't move, She just stayed right there in front of him. He felt himself blush in shock. What did she just do? Was she seriously feeding him? She held his chin tighter and furrowed her brow, " Open your mouth..." He winced and opened it. He had never seen Nanami be so assertive....She smiled and put more food in his mouth. Tomoe ate it slowly, wanting to prolong the awkward moment that was coming. They continued until the bento was nearly gone. Nanami smiled and released his chin.

" There! How was that?"

Tomoe couldn't answer her...He was embarrassed. Did she just force feed him? Ok He wasn't embarrassed because of that...It was Because it was Nanami That force fed him. He blushed and his stomach flopped. The food he just ate seemed to turn to sand.  He could still feel Nanami's firm grip on his face. Nanami had forced him to do something else awkward... She forced him to be her Familiar. She had kissed him to seal the contract between them, And even then he was shocked. But now? His heart was racing...

" Nanami..." Tomoe muttered.

" Yeah?"

He leaned forward and placed a kiss on the hand that fed him, Then he stood up, " Thanks..." Nanami's face turned red.

" I also have one request..." He turned around to look at her again.

" W-Whats T-That?"

" Could I take this stupid bandage off....I can't even hold a broom, Because its so tight..."

 Nanami blushed, Probably relizing that she had just fed him when he didn't really need help, " Yeah...Go Ahead." Tomoe smirked and walked back into the shrine, Burning the bandages off as he did.......

The End..... ( Until next time )

Note: I added a song to this chapter. I do not own this song, but thought that it was pretty and would ( Kind of ) Go with this chapter...So..Yeah!

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