Can You sing for me?

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This is my version of Tomoe and a band... ( All I got to say is... What? ) So here you guys go... Two short stories in one night! XD


Tomoe glared at the stupid tengu across the classroom. He was ( As usal ) being fawned over by girls. The idiot was eating it up too. Laughing and smiling along with the niave girls around him. Sometimes Tomoe wanted to pull his wings out and shave them... ( He was loosing alot of feathers anyway, It wouldn't be hard.) Class was dragging on today. He didn't like this whole being locked in a boring white room for hours, but he had to protect Nanami. ( Why did she want to go to school? ) So just like Nanami he had to do the homework and the english classes. So he was most likely doomed in his own way. He never had to go to school before, and the Tengu wasn't the only one that was being followed by annoying girls...He had drawn some of their attention too.

" Hey Tomoe? Earth to fox...." Nanami snapped her fingers in front of his face, knocking him out of his focus.

" Hum?" He snapped his head around towards her.

" Gee, Your thinking hard. Why don't you do something? Ya know like, Listen to the teacher?"

" I am only here to protect...."

" Oh great...." Nanami rolled her eyes.

" Why are you glaring at Kurama? Did he do something to upset you?"

" I do not understand...." Tomoe said, pondering.

" Undertand?"

" Why do they fawn over him? What did he do?"

Nanami smiled, " Well maybe its because he has good looks and a wonderful voice..." Her voice turned dreamy. It made Tomoe uncomfortable. He looked at her out of the corner of his eyes. She was smiling and looking at Kurama with a soft look. Tomoe felt a low growl come out of his chest. Nanami looked at him surprised. The fox turned his head away from her and blushed. Oops. She smirked. " I got to meet Kei and Ami so...Be nice Tomoe." She walked out of the room.

" Aww...Whats wrong fox? Envying my awesomness?" Tomoe glared at the tengu in hatred.

" There is nothing to envy...All I see is a conceeded idiot with a shedding problem.."


" Your right....I dared." Tomoe rolled his eyes and looked towards the door. What did Nanami see in this red-headed idiot...( No offense if you have red hair....) Tomoe yawned and looked down at the english paper in front of him. The words swurled around his head.

" Ya know Nanami would be nicer to you in you got along more with people..."

Tomoe rolled his eyes and pointed at his fan-girls behind him, "I don't think I need to get along with anybody else..." ( Fan-Girls: OMG! HE'S POINTING AT ME!! )

Kurama laughed, "You just have to do one thing to get a girls heart...Truly that is."

Tomoe furrowed his brow, " And what is that?"

" Sing..."

"BAKA! That's not going to happen." Tomoe stood up and threw his shoulder bad around him, " You just have niave girls following you."

"And you have a naive goddess following you..."

Tomoe looked at kurama a bit surpised. Then he snorted in annoyance. " Nanami is not like that...She might like singers, but she does not get trapped by their idiotic charm!"

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