Chapter One: Questioning

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No Nights at Team Crafted's

Chapter One:



It was Monday Night on the third week, and Tyler and Mike were sitting around the tables in the SkyHub cafeteria, Sky and Mitch were also in the room, over by the doors, and Ty was just walking out of the kitchen to find the two humans laughing around. The two ran out of things to goof off about in the other parts of the park, so were now using their flashlights to make shadow puppets on the large wall of the room. They were being immature, but that wasn't very surprising. It was about 2 Am when the two began getting bored. But then Tyler cracked a rather childish idea.

“Let's play hide and seek!” Tyler grinned.

Mike sighed at the idea, but then nodded his head. “Alright then!”

The two split up, deciding they were allowed to hide in any place in the park, making the game hardcore. Tyler was to hide this time, Mike giving him 2 minutes to do so. Tyler shot off to Jerome's playground, passing Jerome who stood by the equipment.

“Hey, Jerome!” Tyler yelled as he went by.

Tyler made his way to the employee only section of Jerome's park, going behind a gate and into the fake woods. Then he came to a tree house, one he had last visited on his fifth night. Climbing up the latter, he found himself in that same small square room. There was no writing on the walls. Everything looked fine. Tyler then sat down in a lawn chair next to some of the electricity boxes and waited. He had his phone in his pocket, and knowing it might take a while, pulled it out and started to play a game.

Tyler waited there for awhile indeed. The wind from outside blew against one of the windows, the room feeling a bit colder then before. An hour had soon passed, and Tyler decided that maybe that was too much time. He had won the game, being able to hide like a pro, it seemed. Like, Mike could have gotten help from the animatronics. Jerome knew were he was. Tyler shoved his phone in his pocket and climbed back down the latter, walking out of Jerome's playgrounds.

Tyler noticed that Jerome had been standing in the place he would be if it were day time, and when he walked passed Ian and Husky's parks, he could see them were they were supposed to be as well. This was very odd, and Tyler didn't get a good feeling from this at all. Something was wrong, but what? Tyler began to walk faster, towards SkyHub. But then, halfway there, his eyes caught a reflection off some of buildings. There were lights, but not lights from the park. They flashed red and blue and white. They were from a cop car.

Tyler's heart beat fast, unsure of what was going on. Possible reasons ran through his mind, and when he walked out of the front gates, which were wide opened, he saw cop cars all over the parking lot. There were about 4 of them, but still. Some of the cops that were standing outside turned to see him, and then began to walk towards him.

“See, I told you there was another one!” One said back to another. “Call the others back. There is no need to look anymore.”

“W-W-what?” Tyler asked, looking up at the man who was taller then him.

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