Chapter Four: Kidnapped

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No Nights at Team Crafted's


Chapter Four:




Tyler woke up at noon that day, eating lunch with his family and then getting notification that his phone was locked by the company he used. He had to explain to his parents that his things were stolen and that Aviator was looking into it. He didn't mention at all that the police had hung up on him. In fact, he made everything sound alright so that they wouldn't be worried as much as they could be. Janet made fun of him every once in a while, and Tyler retreated back to his room to talk to his friends on Skype. He talked to Kyle and Shelby, and told them more about why his phone was locked, since he had forgotten details in his message last night. He even messaged Mike, who said he'd pick him up for work in the morning.

Tyler and his family went downtown for dinner that night, and when they got home, Tyler went to sleep, having to set an actual alarm to wake him up and not his phone's alarm. He woke up an hour early, getting ready and having something to eat. Him walking around the house forced Janet awake, and she sat there watching TV and insulting Tyler whenever he walked by. Once he was finished, he sat down in the living room, waiting for Mike, watching whatever program Janet forced him to watch, since she had the remote.

After awhile, though, Mike had not come, and the home phone rang. Janet, complaining about the noise, wouldn't answer it, so Tyler did.

“Hello?” Tyler asked.

“Hey, dude, I'm going to be running late. If you wanna meet Aviator at the park in time, then I suggest getting someone else to take you.” Mike said from the other side.

Tyler groaned. “Ugh.”

“Sorry! My alarm didn't go off. See you soon!”

Mike hung up and Tyler put the phone back. He walked back to see Janet sitting there, watching TV. He looked at the time. He was going to be late if he waited anymore. Not like that was a big deal, but still. Mike could take a few minutes, he could take an hour. So Tyler was forced to do something he didn't want to.

“Hey. You think you could drive me to work?” Tyler asked.

Janet stared at him for a bit.

“Only if ya pay me, baby.”

Tyler rolled his eyes.

“I don't have any money right now. It got stolen, remember?”

“Pay me later, baby. I'll be here all week, sweetheart.” Janet leaned back on the couch.

“Ugh. Can you just drive me there already? We'll talk about payment later.” Tyler said, walking over to the door.


Thus created the longest more horrible car ride Tyler had ever experienced.

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