Chapter Twelve: Turn the Lights Off

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No Nights at Team Crafted's

Chapter Twelve:

 Turn the Lights Off


Aviator narrowed his eyes, his voice louder this time. “WHERE IS TYLER!?”

Hwnt could only continue to laugh loudly, his echoing voice scaring the two still locked in the room with the dead body. Aviator couldn't believe this, and he flinched when he remembered Clara was still on the other end of the blue tooth, and she could hear most of this too. Aviator's eyes traveled down to notice that in Hwnt's hands was, still, a gun. If he wasn't careful, Hwnt would probably shoot him.

The screaming of the employees yet again became louder, and Aviator couldn't ignore it any longer. Aviator hesitated, but when Hwnt showed no signs of attacking him, Aviator speed by and over to the door, opening it and the two running out of the room and down the hallway, finding their way out of this hell hole. Hwnt turned to Aviator, who had watched them, and was now glaring at Hwnt

“Why?” Aviator asked.

“Why what?” Hwnt asked with a smile.

“Why would you lock them in? What did they do?”

“They wouldn't listen to their boss. Should have shot them now that I think about it.” Hwnt said looking back down at the gun in his own hands.

“And what would they not do?” Aviator continued to ask, trying to make sense of this situation.

Hwnt paused. “You know, i'm quite surprised you were able to solve the mystery of the tylernapper. How did you do it?”

“Hwnt!” Aviator barked. “For what reason would you kidnap Tyler and cause this mess!?”

Hwnt chuckled, but then frowned “Tyler knew something I didn't. He broke the animatronics, which were made to kill others! And so I took them in for a bit of investigation, so what?”

“You made them so that they would kill!?”


“I can'-” Aviator began, but Hwnt groaned, walked in a small circle, and faced Aviator with a frustrated, mad man of a face.

“Cause you're so thick! You're mister thick thickity thick face from thicktown thickannia.” He yelled, ”And so is your Dad!”

“WHY!?” Aviator shouted.

“IT'S TOO LATE TO EXPLAIN!” Hwnt shouted back.

“Look! I came here for Tyler, so just tell me where he is!” Aviator shook his head.

“If Tyler's all you need, then please, be my guest.” Hwnt grinned again. “If you can find him, he's your's.”

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