Chapter 8

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I was sitting at the kitchen table, reading 'war and peace'. I wasn't really the reader type, but I seemed to enjoy it. Eudora introduced me to it. I just kept reading it, even after we fell out of contact.

I cracked my knuckles, and then my neck. It's a bad habit of mine.

"Hey Diego." Allison spoke glumly as she shuffled in and took a seat opposite of me.

"Hey." I muttered a quick response. Allison and I were never really close. The conversation always seemed awkward between us.

"Are you excited for this dinner?" I stopped reading, closing my book, and instead leaning back against the headrest of the chair, crossing my arms.

"Not particularly. Are you." I knew we both knew the same thing. Allison and Luther.

"I'm happy for him. Plus, I'm married, I have a kid." I could hear it in her voice. She wasn't happy for him.

"Divorced." I shrugged. She glared at me.

"Not helping Diego." I raised my hands in a surrender.

"I know what you and Luther had was....special. I know it may hurt now, but it stops hurting eventually. If you are meant to be together, then it will happen. If you aren't... then you will find someone who deserves you, and will love and cherish you." Allison looked at me with a softness in her eye.

"Thanks Diego. I really needed that. I wish we could have had a better relationship growing up, but I'm happy we had this chat." She reached her hand across the table, and I placed my calloused and rough one in hers. She squeezed it twice before pulling back. I shot her a smile as she left thee rom. She returned it.


I was upstairs in my room, putting on a nicer outfit for the dinner. Dark green, tight fitting, knit sweater, and black dress pants to go with it.

There was a knock on the door.

"I'm coming in. My eyes are covered." It was Klaus. He opened the door and walked in, with his hand covering his eyes, except his fingers were open. If I was naked he would of seen everything. He pouted when he saw me.

"What?" I snapped.

"Nothing, nothing. Gemma is here. We all need to be downstairs." I took in Klaus' appearance. He was wearing a white button up shirt, which was normal, until you looked down and saw him wearing a black skirt. Which wasn't the weirdest thing hes ever worn.

"Take a picture." He grinned. "It lasts longer." I rolled my eyes, but smiled.

"Shut up. Let's go. I went to walk past him but her grabbed my hand. His hand was smooth, and cold. Freezing almost.

"You look nice." I hope he wouldn't see the light blush that formed on my cheeks.

"I like your skirt. You look good." I want to continue walking, but he pulled me back still holding my hand. "Klaus, wha-" He pulled me into a hug. His arms wrapped tightly around my neck. I hesitated for a second, but hugged back. one hand against the back of his head in his hair, and one hand around his ribs. we held it for maybe 20 seconds before he pulled away.

"Thanks. I just really needed that." I rubbed the back of my neck sheepishly but nodded. We both left my room, and I looked at his hand which was dangling by his side. Should I grab it? I grabbed it. His head whipped to look at me, but I just stared straight. Once we go to the bottom of the stairs I let go. It might draw heads if two siblings are holding hands. I walked into the dining room. Everyone was greeting Luther's girlfriend, and he had his hand around her waste. My eyes skimmed the room for Allison. I saw her standing by herself few feet away, arms crossed and glaring at Gemma. I walked over to her.

"Allison." I nodded.

"Diego." She nodded back.

"Want her to mysteriously disappear and no one can find her?" She laughed.

"Not yet, but I'll tell you when." I nodded and walked up to greet Gemma.

"Hi, I'm Diego." I shook her hand and she looked me up and down.

"Gemma, it's great to meet you." She had a sweet smile plastered onto her face.

"Likewise." She had a firm grip, I pulled my hand back, not liking the way her hand felt in mine. I let the others bombard her with questions. I turned and walked over to the table taking a seat and pulling out my phone. I started playing a game. Slowly people start taking their seats.

Food was on the table.

"So Gemma, where are you from? Vanya asked politely. Of course it was Vanya asking. No one else gave a shit.

"Oh I'm from here actually. Ive lived here my whole life." She smiled, and Luther looked at her with adoration. I looked at Allison and she seemed stiff.

"So can I ask you all a few questions." I rolled my eyes.

"Sure." Vanya spoke for the rest of us.

"What can you all do? What's your ability?" No one spoke. So Luther did for us.

"Allison has persuasion. Number 5 can teleport through space and time, Klaus can speak with people who have passed on, you already know mine, and Diego can curve any knife, and hold his breath for a long period of time." Gemma seemed confused.

"I thought there were 7 of you? 6 are here, but you only said 5 powers." We all looked to Luther to explain.

"Well... Vanya was born without an ability." Gemma looked to Vanya, looking her up and down.

"What about the last one?" It was silent. No one wanted to answer.

"He died." They all looked to me. I was staring hard at Gemma. My posture stiff. I felt a cold hand on my knee, urging me t calm down. I looked at the man beside me, it was Klaus. I reached for his hand, opting to hold his hand under the table instead.

"Oh, I'm sorry for pushing. I'm really sorry about your brother." She looked sincere.

"It happened a long time ago, Allison mumbled.

I miss Ben. I wish life wasn't so fucked up. I wish we were raised normally. Fuck the Hargreeves.

1060 words.

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