Chapter 14

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     I awoke slowly, a heavy weight laying over my side. It was peaceful, content, serene. My eyes slowly fluttered open, and they landed on the arm thrown overtop of me. It was the firt time I had seem the flesh on Diego's arm without him trying to hide it or cover it. I surveyed the damage that had been done. The scars ran deep. Some faded, some pinker, some healing, and even some fresh, but it made me feel better that Diego put all this foreward, out in the open. Now I can keep an eye on him and he's one step closer to being happier.

I let out a peaceful sigh. It was nice, waking up with someone and not feeling alone. Diego managed to keep the nightmares away. I haven't been taking many drugs now either, so every once and awhile I had to check if I was seeing a dead person walking, or just an odd person, but I could feel the protest in my body, the fighting sensation my brain had, trying to persuade me to take even just a little bit. The moan and groans of my weak body. I glanced around the room, taking in the scenery I had seen before, but it intrigued me. His room was clean, except for the small pile of clothes on the floor from yesterday. The bookcase and knife collection on the back wall, the window right next to the bed, the punching bag in the corner of the room. My eyes landed on the knife marks on the roof. No doubt by Diego's skill. It just gave me the urge to laugh.

"Klaus. What time is it?" Diego's groggy voice muttered from behind me, his lips pressing into my neck, sending a wave of ice to swim through my body. I looked around for a clock, my eyes landing on an analog clock on the nightstand.


"It's 9:51." He groaned, pulling me closer towards him.  I shuttered.

"Want to make a bet?" Diego finally spoke after us sitting in silence for a couple of minutes.

"Sure." I could practically sense his smile at this point.

"How much you want to bet that I'll end up starting a fight at breakfast this morning?" I turned around so that I was facing him. The tips of our noses were touching.

"Considering the fact that you always start something, I'm going to bet that you will start a fight." He smiled softly. "What do I get if I win?" He hesitated before answering.

"You get to make me your slave for a day." I grinned at that. "Okay, i like that idea. And what do you get if you win?" He grinned as well. "You have to come out with me when I do my vigilante." His smile faltered slightly. "As long  as it's not too dangerous." I shrugged. "Have yourself a deal." At that point we were both awake, so we slowly got out of bed, dragging ourselves up and around. Diego quickly slipped on a grey hoodie, not ready for the rest of the umbrella clan to know about his late night activities. I sent him a sparing look, and he sighed, but smiled, grabbing a different hoodie from his closet, a black one, and handed it towards me. I smiled and put it on gratefully. Together we both went downstairs.

"Morning famalam." I sauntered into the kitchen, taking a seat next to Allison.

"Klaus. How'd you sleep?" Allison raised an eyebrow towards me, probably knowing I didn't sleep in my own bed last night.

"Wonderous. Slept like a baby." From under her breath I heard Vanya speak from the other side of me. "Didn't know babies got dick appointments." I quickly sent her a look, and quickly glancing around, noticing no one heard, but I felt heat rise to my cheeks.

"So I've been thinking.." Luther spoke, his loud booming voice interrupting all the other conversations going on around the table.

"That's a first." Diego scoffed. Luther just ignored him, being used to his snarky comments. I raised an eyebrow and he raised both hands in defense.

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