Chapter 28

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Sorry for  the wait guys!! Here's chapter 28!


I decided to go out with Vanya today. Just go out and hangout with her. We needed to bond, yanno, like siblings do.

We were currently seated at a two person table in a small cafe, just grabbing something to eat.

"So how is everything with Diego. I see you went with the advice I gave you." Vanya gestured to the talk we had that felt like forever ago.

"Thank you for that by the way. It's going good. It comes easy with him, it's never awkward or anything."

"Awwwww that's great. I'm glad you guys are happy." She smiled, and grabbed my wrist in a sweet manor. I sent her a sweet smile.

"Well how did you and Emile meet?" I asked, and Vanya had a light blush cover her nose.

"She just.... came up to me, and complimented me. After she asked me on a date, and It's like something came over me and I said yes, which is so unlike me." I laughed slightly at her. Not in a mean way, but the way a brother should laugh at his sister.

"That's great Van! I'm glad you said yes. It seems like she makes you really happy." She smiled, leaning back in her chair.

"I do have a question for you though." Vanya states as her smile drops. I nod for her to continue. "What Gemma said about Diego... true or false?" I sighed and looked at her with a sad look. She nodded with understanding.

"How long has it been going on."

"I have no idea... but hes been clean for awhile now. I keep him from the harm, he helps me with the drugs. Mutual thing." She nods again.

"You guys look after each other."

"Of course. I- I love him. And I'm scared of it."

"You are allowed to be scared Klaus, but It's Diego, you know he would do anything for you." I sighed again at Vanya's words, knowing she was right. Suddenly she jerks violently down on the table we were sitting at. "Klaus, get down!" She whisper yells at me. I followed suit, and looked around behind me to see what she was looking for. My eyes widened when I saw it.

Emile, Gemma, and Toby were all standing together, holding papers between them, whispering. It was obvious they didn't know that Vanya and I were seated there watching them. I took in their faces, trying to understand what they were saying, but I obviously couldn't through the glass. 

Emile look uncomfortable, sad even, Toby had a his eyebrows turned down, looking angry, and Gemma.... Gemma looked plain evil. She had a smirk on her face, pointing out to whatever was on her paper she was showing them. Vanya and I both gasped when we saw what the three were looking at. It was a picture of our dad, Reginald, from what looked to be a sniper view.


"I'm telling you this is what I saw!" I yelled angrily at my siblings, who had looks of disbelief all over their faces, the only person who seemed to believe me slightly was Diego.

"And how are we supposed to believe you Klaus? That my fiance, her brother, and Vanya's girlfriend are all working together to kill our Dad. It doesn't sound believable, and you expect me to believe something that come out of your mouth?" Luther spits angrily at me. 

"Vanya was with me!" I yell back, getting in his face, which is unlike me, but I was sick and tired of not having any faith in me anymore.

"I still don't believe you. You're probably high right now." He says, stepping closer to me. At this point, Diego gets up, putting himself between the two of us, tucking me behind him.

"He's not high. He's very much sober." Diego says calmly.

"You're just saying that because you're his boyfriend." Luther urges.

"Can't you see him? He's different. Everything about him is different. He's not high." Diego pushes.

"I can see it!" Allison yells quickly, putting the attention on her. "Usually hes... floaty. But right now he seems grounded."

Diego gives a gesture as if I told you so, to Luther.

"Let's say Klaus and Vanya are right, how wouldn't we of seen it earlier?" Five says, taking a sip out of a mug.

"Isn't it obvious?" Allison asks. We all look at her like idiots, and she rolls her eyes. "They all got close to the family. Gemma as Luther's fiance, Toby wormed his way in because he's the brother of Gemma, and Emile as Vanya's girlfriend." She says, and it clicks for us. I felt Diego link our hands together, giving mine a reassuring squeeze.

"That makes sense. We've been trying hard to figure out who it could be, but we never checked right under our noses." Diego says.

"I can't believe i'm saying this..." Luther starts. "But I think you guys are right... She's been acting suspicious. She's going out to plan for the wedding, and comes back at odd hours of the night. I haven't said anything because, I thought maybe she's just stressed or something."

"So what do we do now?" Vanya asks.

"Isn't it obvious?" We all turn around and look as dad looks at all of us. "You need to confront them."

"Dad I-" Luther starts, and Dad hushes him.

"You figured it out, you did your job, there is nothing to be sorry about." He says. None of us say anything, until Allison steps up.

"How should we confront them?" She asks softly.

"Speak up when you talk number 3!" He says quickly, and I watch as Diego balls one of his fists. I squeeze his hand softly, and he relaxes it, squeezing mine back, and leaning into me. "He hands her a piece of paper. "Tell them to go to this address, say I am having a dinner party, to really sell it, everyone dress up, once you arrive and go inside, it will only be you. You put an end to them."

"That's actually a good plan..." Five says, an uncomfortable look on his face on having to admit that our dad was right. Everyone froze when they heard the door open. Gemma popped her head in.

"Hey guys! What's all this about?" She asks, gesturing to the group. Luther walks up to her and kisses her on the head.

"Just discussing a dinner party we're having on Friday." Luther says, wrapping his arms around her. She lets out a giggle.

"Is it formal?" She asks, a smile on her face, but I can see the evil behind her gaze.

"Very formal. You're brother is invited too." He says and her smile gets wider. 

Now everyone has to make it through tomorrow, and then the next day is the party.


I'M SO SORRY I HAVEN'T UPDATED IN SO LONG! It's been a real trouble figuring out how to continue this story, but I'm back, and I'm thankful for those readers who stuck around since the beginning. You've helped so much on this amazing journey. 

I would like to address a few things.

First, Thank you so much for 5k views!!!! This story has gotten bigger than i ever could of imagined, I'm thankful for every single one of you who's read this far.

Next, did you expect that twist? Or did you figure it out awhile ago? I've known what I wanted to do with Gemma since I started this book, I just didn't know how I wanted to end it, so I'm happy that I've figured it out.

3rd, This book is almost done :( I know! I'm sorry. Next chapter is just gonna be domestic Diego and Klaus, because out babies deserve that, then the whole confrontation thing. So I have about 4 chapters planned left, + an epilogue.

Lastly, I hope everyone is being safe! School over here in Canada is starting soon, i'm wondering when do the rest of you go back?

Thank you sooo much for reading, sorry again for the wait!

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